Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Polyps In The Gallstones
science says "found traces of the Creator"
A professor of evolutionary Antelope Valley College has released the strong probability of intelligent design on the appearance of life. The announcement came at the end a 3-hour presentation at the Lancaster Performing Arts Center of Catholic scientists and believers reasons that the scientific evidence presented models based on the Bible. Matthew Rainbow, a biology professor with a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry, told a crowd of several hundred people who had been persuaded to change his point of view of the origins of life about six months before After reading books by Hugh Ross and Rana Fazal. Rainbow Wednesday helped organize the event in the debate. The professor said that "I believe now that I have about 60% certain that the first life forms were intelligently designed by a creator," Rainbow said. "For 50 years, the best scientific minds of the world have tried to show where the first cell came to be and we failed miserably to prove it. ... If you try for 50 years and can not prove anything, is a strong evidence that the old theory of a prebiotic soup now appears to be kaput. "He referred to what many know as the" primordial ooze "that some evolutionary theorists have described as the birthplace of the earliest and simplest forms of life , with the evolution of all other forms. Ross and Rana, and now Rainbow, argue that no such "soups" existed in the first place because there is no evidence of chemical elements that can be found, even in the oldest rock formations that bear evidence of early organic life. "If life originated from a prebiotic soup, it should leave behind the signing of a chemical," said Rana. "At this point, nobody has any proof of any prebiotic soup." Rainbow said that its change has limits. "About 40% of me is still kept the hope that it will still be able to show how life evolved spontaneously in the normal laws of physics and chemistry," he said. "I still believe, even if God seems to have purposely created the first life, I still believe I can defend with force ... that most of the rest of life has evolved yet." This limited movement came in the context of the struggle of Ross' and Rana's and exposed in the wider range that the existence of a creator, or "transcendent agent" can be tested at a high level of probability using science. After reading their work, Rainbow said and concluded that "the laws of physics and chemistry can certainly be interpreted as strong evidence for intelligent design." Rana and Ross spent three hours Wednesday night, summarizing the work that their team has played since 1986. Ross, the founder of Reasons to believe, laid the foundations of cosmic organization of the "Model of Creation." He has a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto. The model of creation is different from the movement of "intelligent design", which was rightly considered unscientific, he said. "Intelligent design is not testable because intelligent design does not, yet, any model to explain the origin of life's history and its details," said Ross. "We have a model. We had a model even before the intelligent design movement has existed." Ross emphasized that his work does not prove the existence of God ever with 100% certainty. "Science is not able to provide proof of the absolute. Science can not provide absolute proof of the existence of any entity," he said, ma è in grado di offrire "misurabili probabilità." "Quando ho sposato mia moglie 31 anni fa, ho detto a Lei che è stato un matrimonio senza la prova della sua esistenza. Tutto quello che avevo era un'alta probabilità", ha detto. "Sono stato sposato con lei per 31 anni ed eseguito una serie di esperimenti. Vi posso dire oggi che la probabilità è più elevata." Il Metodo scientifico può anche essere applicato all'esistenza di un'entità che trascende il tempo e lo spazio, egli ha detto e, in particolare, il Dio della Bibbia che porta i tratti descritti nel Vecchio e Nuovo Testamento. "La Bibbia contiene circa 10 volte di più il contenuto circa l'origine e la struttura dell'universo di tutto il resto dei libri sacri combined all the great religions of the world, "said Ross. (He knows because he controlled, he said.)" Why is it so special, this gives the opportunity to put to the test scientifically. "A model of creation derived from the Bible should include a universe that emerges from a "start of singularity" - that is, a time when space, time, matter and energy come into play where before there was nothing. "What is unique about the Bible (including the creation of stories) is that it speaks of God acting independently in space and time, "said Ross. The universe would then expand and cool continuously over time, he said, adding that all three elements describe the observed universe as explained modern scientific exploration. "For thousands of years the Bible was the only text out there that speaks of an ever expanding universe," he said. Based on astronomical observations and calculations used by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, a universe that has existed for about 14 billion years, Ross said. His model predicts that future scientific studies will yield the following results: Evidence will increase for one start. Evidence that the rise time is over. Grow the proof that general relativity describes reliability cosmic dynamics. Space-time strengthening of the theorems theorems. The If a causal link between agent and acquire transcendent force. Evidence for other miraculous events will be found. "This is a model of what is supposed to do, not only explain, but expect," said Ross. A subset of its model addresses a concept of Ross called the "fine tuning" of the universe. Simply, it is said that the conditions necessary for sustaining human life are so precise that the mathematical probability that one of them would occur randomly becomes effectively zero. These variables influence the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, the Milky Way, Earth, the galaxy area and dozens of other dela situation of our planet, he said, concluded that when combined, such an improbable event can be explained only by the Act of a creator. His model predicts that if there is a creator, the evidence for such fine-tuning will increase. Over the past 20 years, said Ross, the tendency is that science has produced. When Ross finished, Rainbow has answered some questions. Its main application is not scientific but theological. "I'm not really agree with one thing you said, Dr. Ross." But, "is one of your central theses of the book is that the Judeo-Christian Scriptures reveal a surprising amount of what we might call technical information about the cosmos. ... It seems to me that if God exists and it is really so concerned technique to reveal the information in the manner in which they are established, then he could have done much better in job creation in the Bible - there are so many things that God may have to make it easier to understand. Why has not he? "Rana said that the Bible was limited in its scope in order to reach a wide audience with an effective message." This is a book that is talking to hundreds of generations, "said Rana." The Bible only uses a vocabulary that can communicate to any generation that is reading. This limits the degree of scientific content, "especially if you want God to fit into a single volume. Rana, vice presidente per la scienza apologetica, che ha un dottorato di ricerca in chimica dalla Ohio University, ha chiesto un processo analogo per le scienze della vita - principalmente biologia e antropologia. Il modello della Creazione per l'inizio della vita e la storia della vita inizia con scetticismo circa l'evoluzione da una specie all'altra, egli ha detto. Che non esclude l'adeguamento all'interno di una specie attraverso la selezione sessuale naturale o di un degrado di una specie attraverso la perdita di un arto o di altro attributo non essenziale per la vita. In sostanza, egli ha detto, la sua organizzazione è di idea scettica che l'evoluzione ha il potere di creare. Il suo studio biblico ha teorie circa gli inizi della vita - come lodato da Rainbow - così come la storia degli animali e l'emergere dell' uomo. Quest'ultimo, essi sostengono, offre un interessante esempio di successo. Il modello di Rana per l'apparizione degli esseri umani, prevede che essi sarebbe riconducibile a un solo uomo e una donna in un unico luogo in Medio Oriente tra 10000 e 100000 anni fa. Inoltre, esso prevede che altri Ominidi, come ad esempio Neanderthals, sarebbe risultato essere distinto abbastanza da impedire loro di diventare l'uomo moderno. I diversi studi scientifici in diversità genetica offerti da Rana che sono emersi negli ultimi anni, tracciano lo sviluppo umano a un solo uomo e una sola donna in una certa zona dell'Africa orientale tra 50,0000 e 200000 anni fa. Lo stesso schema è stato scoperto When the scientists found patterns of mitochondrial DNA through the maternal line, a model of Y chromosome through the paternal line and the dispersion of human parasites, said Rana. In reference to hominids, he said that genetic research has allowed a number of samples to be mapped and compared with the human genome - including Neanderthals and the famous "Lucy". All have been tested in human DNA to deviate too far from the conclusion that resulted from each other. "It 's interesting that these great figures that are part of the human drama of evolution and are portrayed as such in biology text books have been made as side branches," he said. The model also includes divisions in Rana people's behavior and early hominids. He cited descriptions of such a pause in work in archeology / anthropology, including "the explosive advance" in the field of instrumentation, manufacturing processes, language, social structures, art, music and religion. "It 's an explosive emergence of sophisticated behaviors that I think reflects the image of God and is the type of model that you would expect, in fact, if men were created in God's image," said Rana. "At the hominids do not view these items."

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