Of course, the new so-called recent sightings of UFOs have been such that people talk about the new Magnetic Mount Teide and the mysticism surrounding the history of the Canary Islands makes a link even more plausible.
Only last week, several alleged sightings of a UFO in Gran Canaria, with a number of people who called the police and the media information after a telescope has detected a bright object floating in the sky. And last fall, a young American who lives in Tenerife watched in disbelief for four hours a wedge-shaped object near his house in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Laguna.
Believe it or not, it is surprising how often the Mount Teide churning out stories about UFOs and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
One of the most celebrated cases involves the worship that was broken by police in Tenerife in 1990. A semi-mystic UFO group was led by a German psychologist, Dr Heide-Fittkay Garthe. The official report said they were planning a trip to a summit of Mount Teide intent on making contact with a visiting spacecraft. It 'was alleged that he developed a mass suicide pact. Neither suicide ol'incontro UFO was.
Between August 2004 and December 2005, three of UFO sightings involving the media with photos. When the three images were taken independently developed a strange flying object was seen in each photo, but it was not visible to the naked eye. All were on the flight line of Mount Teide, including the cliffs of Los Gigantes. This particular figure suggests a disc-shaped object flying at high speed approaching the cliffs. An administrator
Officer on holiday in Tenerife Barcelona also took photos of Mount Teide and the very next image shows a similar type of object bright UFO in the sky.
E 'inexplicable, he said, which rocketed the lights on the volcano in the course of history and there are constant reports coming from commercial airline pilots who have seen it without knowing explain. In November 1975, a commercial jet in flight from Austria to Tenerife had to make an emergency landing in Valencia after having crossed a red button object, which has pulled the plane. Zigzagging across the sky. They insisted that they were unidentified flying objects and a number of people living in Valencia have shown their story.
In 1975, a group of UFO believers of Santa Cruz, have also tried to get in contact with a spacecraft with occupants on board, from outer space, which was flying over Mount Teide, across a makeshift telescope. They claimed to have seen a huge beam of light, and looking through binoculars, saw a double row of windows emitting a purple glow. In 1976, a UFO was reported to have landed atop a farm!
Perhaps the strangest story about an alleged incident in the vicinity of Mount Teide in 1992 that has never really been explained to date. Witnesses claimed that a mysterious aircraft fell from the sky but was taken by English soldiers. Apparently, a group of friends would walk near Mount Teide, when he was told by soldiers to return home because there was a landslide. However, they saw a powerful beam of light on the side of the volcano and then noticed a convoy of military trucks carrying a huge object.
Whatever happened was enough force to move 450 tons of lava from one side of Mount Teide. The trucks carrying rock - or was it something more sinister, like a flying saucer?
Stories on lights around Mount Teide persist today. A hunter has insisted that he saw a bright cloud around Mount Teide, which approached within six feet the top and then taking a round has been given to the escape at great speed.
And you can even remember our history last year when we reported how a doctor visiting a patient in Tenerife and his taxi driver had seen a flying saucer descend in front of them with two huge figures dressed in red to the control panel. The patient had seen too much, but fearing that his fever could reach crisis point, after returning home he began to pray!
This incident, however, coincided with a more credible and sustained relationship with an armed ship of the English navy to escort the crew observed that yellow lights in the sky - lights that were also seen by hundreds of residents of Tenerife, Gomera and La Palma. It was just a natural phenomenon?
Of course, scientists do not accept the theory, saying that there is absolutely no way to know if there is any kind of a base inside the volcano, the English soldiers or a fleet of starships. But the Teide can really be a magnet for UFOs that can come from space?
Source: www.tenerifenews.com/
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