Early Homo sapiens missed little, very little, to die for good and for us, their descendants, there would be no story. It 'is evident from a genetic research conducted by a team of international scientists and published in the journal American Journal of Human Genetics. The story went like this: humanity began to be distinguished from other species 200,000 years ago. About 150,000 years ago, however, was divided into two distinct groups that began to evolve into two different species and remained so for about 100,000 years, before meeting just in time and give new life to the only existing species of Homo sapiens today . This was the longest period of human history durante il quale due gruppi di popolazione rimasero separate tra di loro. Quando, circa 60.000 anni fa, l'Homo sapiens iniziò a lasciare l'Africa, nella sua prima grande migrazione, le tracce di questa divisione erano ancora ben presenti. "La fusione che permise l'umanità di fondersi di nuovo in un'unica specie avvenne circa 40.000 anni fa", ha spiegato Doron Behar del Rambam Medical Center di Haifa (Israele), che ha partecipato alla ricerca. La divisione della popolazione in due gruppi si verificò in seguito alle aride condizioni climatiche cui furono interessati i nostri più antichi antenati dell'Africa meridionale e orientale, che costrinse la società primitiva a cercare nuove aree per la loro sopravvivenza. Sono numerose infatti, the geological record of the time, which show that violent and rapid climate change. Explain
Spencer Wells, head of the Genographic Project which heads the research: "Always it is assumed that the original population of Homo sapiens who lived in sub-Saharan Africa, was formed by a group of very small, but had always moved pretty much everything together. In fact, research tells us that things went differently. " But because the researchers suggest that humanity is even closer to extinction? "Why - Wells says - the two groups of people were reduced to a few hundred people, a number that can easily lead to the disappearance of a species. It gave a lot to do to survive. "The findings of the research came after Wells and colleagues analyzed 624 complete genomes of mitochondrial DNA, which passes from mother to daughter, from many people who now inhabit the sub-Saharan Africa Saharan Africa and this has allowed us to understand how humanity has evolved in the past. Research has found consensus and opposition: Peter Foster Anglia Ruskin University (UK) said that the findings of this study are not particularly new, because already in 1977 had reached the same conclusions, but then it was not believed until the end. Other researchers however, argue that the scenario could have been humanity's primordial a different story and when the mitochondrial evidence would not be sufficient to support 100% the validity of the theory. The fact is, that if it were true, we really only by a whisker.
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