Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Electric Bopx Level 19
There is no 'trace of the crater, but a terrible impact on the earth and' took place about 800,000 years ago, hurling debris distance of thousands of kilometers. Today an international team of researchers from the National Program of Antarctic Research (PNRA) has found fragments of the earth's crust in Antarctica documenting this catastrophic event, and its width, which until now appeared to be limited to the countries of Southeast Asia. 'During the Antarctic Ocean in 2006 we collected a lot of PNRA microtektiti, glassy or sketches of continental crust and that' was merged due to the impact of an asteroid or a comet - said Luigi Folco, head of research at the Museum National University of Antarctica 'di Siena -. We collected and analyzed the fragments we now know that these debris resulting from an event already 'known to scholars, took place almost a million years ago, which is not' yet been possible to find the crater. Debris were thrown up to a distance of 11,000 km, as in many countries of Indochina, Australia and now we can say, even in Antarctica. The phenomenon - already 'known as the most' cosmic impact of the recent violent history of our planet - and 'was therefore much more' extensive than one might suspect. And it 's really strange that the crater is not visible on the earth's crust. This, for now, remains a real scientific mystery '. The research is having a great resonance in international science, having been published by the important journal Geology and filmed by Discovery Channel. The discovery of the fragments' was made on the peaks of the Transantarctic Mountains in Victoria Land, Luigi Folco and Pierre Rochette. In addition to Folco, the National Museum of Antarctica, Section of Earth Sciences University 'di Siena, together analysis of fragments of the University Pierre Rochette' Aix-Marseille 3, Christmas Perchiazzi and Massimo D'Orazio 's Universita 'di Pisa, Marinella Laurenzi CNR - Pisa, Massimo Tiepolo, and the CNR-Pavia.

Electric Shock In Knee Cap
Venezuela Caracas and eight states were left without power 'for several hours because of the broken wire,' high voltage. The subway in the capital and 'stop, the lights went off and the cell phone and 'went haywire around the country. The government has called for calm and assured that the fault will be 'repaired within hours.
Although the states of Falcon and Zulia, where most mining and oil refining, were affected by the blackout, the facilities have continued to work.

Although the states of Falcon and Zulia, where most mining and oil refining, were affected by the blackout, the facilities have continued to work.
Source: www.agi.it
(Editors Note CUT UFO Center Taranto, from what seems the states involved were 11 and hit 50% of Venezuela ).
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Silver With Black Pinstripe Tuxedo
A new draft of the research unit of the U.S. Department of Defense, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is about to kick off a new aircraft capable of flying for five years in a row, never land and never be replenished in flight. Vulture is the name that will be given a long airplane ride, you can constantly monitor and re-establish radio communications and video over an area affected by an environmental disaster, or check out without being seen training camps for terrorists. In other words, his versatility will lead them to be used in both military and civilian. Three aviation companies, Aurora Flight Systems, Boeing and Lockheed Martin, have received funding from DARPA to develop in competition with each other, within five years, a plane capable of carrying about 500 kilograms of material at an altitude of between 20,000 and 30,000 ft, can fly for 5 consecutive years. Until now the record for flying an aircraft without crew is for the QinetiQ's Zephyr Aircraft, which flew for 54 hours consecutively. The Aurora, in proposing to give me his plan, put forward plans to build three aircraft, which will leave the airport alone and, once airborne, will join to create a giant airplane with a wingspan of about 160 meters . "Theoretically you could assemble those planes you want, but make matches of 3 it will be a great success," the chief engineer Robert herringbone Parks. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale, the Airbus A380, the largest commercial aircraft built to date, has a wingspan that is half of that proposed by Aurora for Vulture, and it's airport terminal to be constructed details. The project proposed by Aurora also provides the opportunity to take three planes to a structure in the shape of "Z", which would allow the solar panels that will power the aircraft to position themselves in the best way to capture the sunlight in the area seconds on which the aircraft will be sent to work. This will have considerable importance especially when the vehicle passes through the areas near the poles in winter, that is when the days are very short. According a quanto ha detto Parks, l'aereo sarà ad emissione zero, in quanto verrà fatto funzionare solo attraverso motori elettrici la cui energia verrà prodotta attraverso pannelli fotovoltaici.
Più riservate Boeing e Lockeed Martin. La prima ha fatto sapere che il suo progetto è molto simile a quello di Aurora, ma che verrà costruito un aereo con una sola grande ala. Dopo 5 anni, gli aerei non saranno da buttare, ma dovranno essere sottoposti ad una pesante revisione che permetterà loro di ritornare in volo dopo diversi mesi di sosta. Questi aerei potranno realizzare ciò che oggi compiono alcuni satelliti per l'osservazione terrestre, ma a differenza di questi ultimi, gli aerei, in caso di guasto, potranno essere fatti atterrare, may be repaired and returned to their place. Also when it enters into a large number of activities such aircraft, the costs will be significantly lower than those of satellites.

Più riservate Boeing e Lockeed Martin. La prima ha fatto sapere che il suo progetto è molto simile a quello di Aurora, ma che verrà costruito un aereo con una sola grande ala. Dopo 5 anni, gli aerei non saranno da buttare, ma dovranno essere sottoposti ad una pesante revisione che permetterà loro di ritornare in volo dopo diversi mesi di sosta. Questi aerei potranno realizzare ciò che oggi compiono alcuni satelliti per l'osservazione terrestre, ma a differenza di questi ultimi, gli aerei, in caso di guasto, potranno essere fatti atterrare, may be repaired and returned to their place. Also when it enters into a large number of activities such aircraft, the costs will be significantly lower than those of satellites.
Source: www.repubblica.it
How Much Per Episode Jon Cryer
It 'an interesting theory skeptical, of course, believers to close encounters with extraterrestrials want to believe.
Of course, the new so-called recent sightings of UFOs have been such that people talk about the new Magnetic Mount Teide and the mysticism surrounding the history of the Canary Islands makes a link even more plausible.
Only last week, several alleged sightings of a UFO in Gran Canaria, with a number of people who called the police and the media information after a telescope has detected a bright object floating in the sky. And last fall, a young American who lives in Tenerife watched in disbelief for four hours a wedge-shaped object near his house in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Laguna.
Believe it or not, it is surprising how often the Mount Teide churning out stories about UFOs and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
One of the most celebrated cases involves the worship that was broken by police in Tenerife in 1990. A semi-mystic UFO group was led by a German psychologist, Dr Heide-Fittkay Garthe. The official report said they were planning a trip to a summit of Mount Teide intent on making contact with a visiting spacecraft. It 'was alleged that he developed a mass suicide pact. Neither suicide ol'incontro UFO was.
Between August 2004 and December 2005, three of UFO sightings involving the media with photos. When the three images were taken independently developed a strange flying object was seen in each photo, but it was not visible to the naked eye. All were on the flight line of Mount Teide, including the cliffs of Los Gigantes. This particular figure suggests a disc-shaped object flying at high speed approaching the cliffs. An administrator
Officer on holiday in Tenerife Barcelona also took photos of Mount Teide and the very next image shows a similar type of object bright UFO in the sky.
E 'inexplicable, he said, which rocketed the lights on the volcano in the course of history and there are constant reports coming from commercial airline pilots who have seen it without knowing explain. In November 1975, a commercial jet in flight from Austria to Tenerife had to make an emergency landing in Valencia after having crossed a red button object, which has pulled the plane. Zigzagging across the sky. They insisted that they were unidentified flying objects and a number of people living in Valencia have shown their story.
In 1975, a group of UFO believers of Santa Cruz, have also tried to get in contact with a spacecraft with occupants on board, from outer space, which was flying over Mount Teide, across a makeshift telescope. They claimed to have seen a huge beam of light, and looking through binoculars, saw a double row of windows emitting a purple glow. In 1976, a UFO was reported to have landed atop a farm!
Perhaps the strangest story about an alleged incident in the vicinity of Mount Teide in 1992 that has never really been explained to date. Witnesses claimed that a mysterious aircraft fell from the sky but was taken by English soldiers. Apparently, a group of friends would walk near Mount Teide, when he was told by soldiers to return home because there was a landslide. However, they saw a powerful beam of light on the side of the volcano and then noticed a convoy of military trucks carrying a huge object.
Whatever happened was enough force to move 450 tons of lava from one side of Mount Teide. The trucks carrying rock - or was it something more sinister, like a flying saucer?
Stories on lights around Mount Teide persist today. A hunter has insisted that he saw a bright cloud around Mount Teide, which approached within six feet the top and then taking a round has been given to the escape at great speed.
And you can even remember our history last year when we reported how a doctor visiting a patient in Tenerife and his taxi driver had seen a flying saucer descend in front of them with two huge figures dressed in red to the control panel. The patient had seen too much, but fearing that his fever could reach crisis point, after returning home he began to pray!
This incident, however, coincided with a more credible and sustained relationship with an armed ship of the English navy to escort the crew observed that yellow lights in the sky - lights that were also seen by hundreds of residents of Tenerife, Gomera and La Palma. It was just a natural phenomenon?
Of course, scientists do not accept the theory, saying that there is absolutely no way to know if there is any kind of a base inside the volcano, the English soldiers or a fleet of starships. But the Teide can really be a magnet for UFOs that can come from space?

Of course, the new so-called recent sightings of UFOs have been such that people talk about the new Magnetic Mount Teide and the mysticism surrounding the history of the Canary Islands makes a link even more plausible.
Only last week, several alleged sightings of a UFO in Gran Canaria, with a number of people who called the police and the media information after a telescope has detected a bright object floating in the sky. And last fall, a young American who lives in Tenerife watched in disbelief for four hours a wedge-shaped object near his house in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Laguna.
Believe it or not, it is surprising how often the Mount Teide churning out stories about UFOs and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
One of the most celebrated cases involves the worship that was broken by police in Tenerife in 1990. A semi-mystic UFO group was led by a German psychologist, Dr Heide-Fittkay Garthe. The official report said they were planning a trip to a summit of Mount Teide intent on making contact with a visiting spacecraft. It 'was alleged that he developed a mass suicide pact. Neither suicide ol'incontro UFO was.
Between August 2004 and December 2005, three of UFO sightings involving the media with photos. When the three images were taken independently developed a strange flying object was seen in each photo, but it was not visible to the naked eye. All were on the flight line of Mount Teide, including the cliffs of Los Gigantes. This particular figure suggests a disc-shaped object flying at high speed approaching the cliffs. An administrator
Officer on holiday in Tenerife Barcelona also took photos of Mount Teide and the very next image shows a similar type of object bright UFO in the sky.
E 'inexplicable, he said, which rocketed the lights on the volcano in the course of history and there are constant reports coming from commercial airline pilots who have seen it without knowing explain. In November 1975, a commercial jet in flight from Austria to Tenerife had to make an emergency landing in Valencia after having crossed a red button object, which has pulled the plane. Zigzagging across the sky. They insisted that they were unidentified flying objects and a number of people living in Valencia have shown their story.
In 1975, a group of UFO believers of Santa Cruz, have also tried to get in contact with a spacecraft with occupants on board, from outer space, which was flying over Mount Teide, across a makeshift telescope. They claimed to have seen a huge beam of light, and looking through binoculars, saw a double row of windows emitting a purple glow. In 1976, a UFO was reported to have landed atop a farm!
Perhaps the strangest story about an alleged incident in the vicinity of Mount Teide in 1992 that has never really been explained to date. Witnesses claimed that a mysterious aircraft fell from the sky but was taken by English soldiers. Apparently, a group of friends would walk near Mount Teide, when he was told by soldiers to return home because there was a landslide. However, they saw a powerful beam of light on the side of the volcano and then noticed a convoy of military trucks carrying a huge object.
Whatever happened was enough force to move 450 tons of lava from one side of Mount Teide. The trucks carrying rock - or was it something more sinister, like a flying saucer?
Stories on lights around Mount Teide persist today. A hunter has insisted that he saw a bright cloud around Mount Teide, which approached within six feet the top and then taking a round has been given to the escape at great speed.
And you can even remember our history last year when we reported how a doctor visiting a patient in Tenerife and his taxi driver had seen a flying saucer descend in front of them with two huge figures dressed in red to the control panel. The patient had seen too much, but fearing that his fever could reach crisis point, after returning home he began to pray!
This incident, however, coincided with a more credible and sustained relationship with an armed ship of the English navy to escort the crew observed that yellow lights in the sky - lights that were also seen by hundreds of residents of Tenerife, Gomera and La Palma. It was just a natural phenomenon?
Of course, scientists do not accept the theory, saying that there is absolutely no way to know if there is any kind of a base inside the volcano, the English soldiers or a fleet of starships. But the Teide can really be a magnet for UFOs that can come from space?
Source: www.tenerifenews.com/
Polyps In The Gallstones
science says "found traces of the Creator"
A professor of evolutionary Antelope Valley College has released the strong probability of intelligent design on the appearance of life. The announcement came at the end a 3-hour presentation at the Lancaster Performing Arts Center of Catholic scientists and believers reasons that the scientific evidence presented models based on the Bible. Matthew Rainbow, a biology professor with a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry, told a crowd of several hundred people who had been persuaded to change his point of view of the origins of life about six months before After reading books by Hugh Ross and Rana Fazal. Rainbow Wednesday helped organize the event in the debate. The professor said that "I believe now that I have about 60% certain that the first life forms were intelligently designed by a creator," Rainbow said. "For 50 years, the best scientific minds of the world have tried to show where the first cell came to be and we failed miserably to prove it. ... If you try for 50 years and can not prove anything, is a strong evidence that the old theory of a prebiotic soup now appears to be kaput. "He referred to what many know as the" primordial ooze "that some evolutionary theorists have described as the birthplace of the earliest and simplest forms of life , with the evolution of all other forms. Ross and Rana, and now Rainbow, argue that no such "soups" existed in the first place because there is no evidence of chemical elements that can be found, even in the oldest rock formations that bear evidence of early organic life. "If life originated from a prebiotic soup, it should leave behind the signing of a chemical," said Rana. "At this point, nobody has any proof of any prebiotic soup." Rainbow said that its change has limits. "About 40% of me is still kept the hope that it will still be able to show how life evolved spontaneously in the normal laws of physics and chemistry," he said. "I still believe, even if God seems to have purposely created the first life, I still believe I can defend with force ... that most of the rest of life has evolved yet." This limited movement came in the context of the struggle of Ross' and Rana's and exposed in the wider range that the existence of a creator, or "transcendent agent" can be tested at a high level of probability using science. After reading their work, Rainbow said and concluded that "the laws of physics and chemistry can certainly be interpreted as strong evidence for intelligent design." Rana and Ross spent three hours Wednesday night, summarizing the work that their team has played since 1986. Ross, the founder of Reasons to believe, laid the foundations of cosmic organization of the "Model of Creation." He has a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto. The model of creation is different from the movement of "intelligent design", which was rightly considered unscientific, he said. "Intelligent design is not testable because intelligent design does not, yet, any model to explain the origin of life's history and its details," said Ross. "We have a model. We had a model even before the intelligent design movement has existed." Ross emphasized that his work does not prove the existence of God ever with 100% certainty. "Science is not able to provide proof of the absolute. Science can not provide absolute proof of the existence of any entity," he said, ma è in grado di offrire "misurabili probabilità." "Quando ho sposato mia moglie 31 anni fa, ho detto a Lei che è stato un matrimonio senza la prova della sua esistenza. Tutto quello che avevo era un'alta probabilità", ha detto. "Sono stato sposato con lei per 31 anni ed eseguito una serie di esperimenti. Vi posso dire oggi che la probabilità è più elevata." Il Metodo scientifico può anche essere applicato all'esistenza di un'entità che trascende il tempo e lo spazio, egli ha detto e, in particolare, il Dio della Bibbia che porta i tratti descritti nel Vecchio e Nuovo Testamento. "La Bibbia contiene circa 10 volte di più il contenuto circa l'origine e la struttura dell'universo di tutto il resto dei libri sacri combined all the great religions of the world, "said Ross. (He knows because he controlled, he said.)" Why is it so special, this gives the opportunity to put to the test scientifically. "A model of creation derived from the Bible should include a universe that emerges from a "start of singularity" - that is, a time when space, time, matter and energy come into play where before there was nothing. "What is unique about the Bible (including the creation of stories) is that it speaks of God acting independently in space and time, "said Ross. The universe would then expand and cool continuously over time, he said, adding that all three elements describe the observed universe as explained modern scientific exploration. "For thousands of years the Bible was the only text out there that speaks of an ever expanding universe," he said. Based on astronomical observations and calculations used by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, a universe that has existed for about 14 billion years, Ross said. His model predicts that future scientific studies will yield the following results: Evidence will increase for one start. Evidence that the rise time is over. Grow the proof that general relativity describes reliability cosmic dynamics. Space-time strengthening of the theorems theorems. The If a causal link between agent and acquire transcendent force. Evidence for other miraculous events will be found. "This is a model of what is supposed to do, not only explain, but expect," said Ross. A subset of its model addresses a concept of Ross called the "fine tuning" of the universe. Simply, it is said that the conditions necessary for sustaining human life are so precise that the mathematical probability that one of them would occur randomly becomes effectively zero. These variables influence the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, the Milky Way, Earth, the galaxy area and dozens of other dela situation of our planet, he said, concluded that when combined, such an improbable event can be explained only by the Act of a creator. His model predicts that if there is a creator, the evidence for such fine-tuning will increase. Over the past 20 years, said Ross, the tendency is that science has produced. When Ross finished, Rainbow has answered some questions. Its main application is not scientific but theological. "I'm not really agree with one thing you said, Dr. Ross." But, "is one of your central theses of the book is that the Judeo-Christian Scriptures reveal a surprising amount of what we might call technical information about the cosmos. ... It seems to me that if God exists and it is really so concerned technique to reveal the information in the manner in which they are established, then he could have done much better in job creation in the Bible - there are so many things that God may have to make it easier to understand. Why has not he? "Rana said that the Bible was limited in its scope in order to reach a wide audience with an effective message." This is a book that is talking to hundreds of generations, "said Rana." The Bible only uses a vocabulary that can communicate to any generation that is reading. This limits the degree of scientific content, "especially if you want God to fit into a single volume. Rana, vice presidente per la scienza apologetica, che ha un dottorato di ricerca in chimica dalla Ohio University, ha chiesto un processo analogo per le scienze della vita - principalmente biologia e antropologia. Il modello della Creazione per l'inizio della vita e la storia della vita inizia con scetticismo circa l'evoluzione da una specie all'altra, egli ha detto. Che non esclude l'adeguamento all'interno di una specie attraverso la selezione sessuale naturale o di un degrado di una specie attraverso la perdita di un arto o di altro attributo non essenziale per la vita. In sostanza, egli ha detto, la sua organizzazione è di idea scettica che l'evoluzione ha il potere di creare. Il suo studio biblico ha teorie circa gli inizi della vita - come lodato da Rainbow - così come la storia degli animali e l'emergere dell' uomo. Quest'ultimo, essi sostengono, offre un interessante esempio di successo. Il modello di Rana per l'apparizione degli esseri umani, prevede che essi sarebbe riconducibile a un solo uomo e una donna in un unico luogo in Medio Oriente tra 10000 e 100000 anni fa. Inoltre, esso prevede che altri Ominidi, come ad esempio Neanderthals, sarebbe risultato essere distinto abbastanza da impedire loro di diventare l'uomo moderno. I diversi studi scientifici in diversità genetica offerti da Rana che sono emersi negli ultimi anni, tracciano lo sviluppo umano a un solo uomo e una sola donna in una certa zona dell'Africa orientale tra 50,0000 e 200000 anni fa. Lo stesso schema è stato scoperto When the scientists found patterns of mitochondrial DNA through the maternal line, a model of Y chromosome through the paternal line and the dispersion of human parasites, said Rana. In reference to hominids, he said that genetic research has allowed a number of samples to be mapped and compared with the human genome - including Neanderthals and the famous "Lucy". All have been tested in human DNA to deviate too far from the conclusion that resulted from each other. "It 's interesting that these great figures that are part of the human drama of evolution and are portrayed as such in biology text books have been made as side branches," he said. The model also includes divisions in Rana people's behavior and early hominids. He cited descriptions of such a pause in work in archeology / anthropology, including "the explosive advance" in the field of instrumentation, manufacturing processes, language, social structures, art, music and religion. "It 's an explosive emergence of sophisticated behaviors that I think reflects the image of God and is the type of model that you would expect, in fact, if men were created in God's image," said Rana. "At the hominids do not view these items."

Monday, April 28, 2008
Nj Cruise Spots For Men
Early Homo sapiens missed little, very little, to die for good and for us, their descendants, there would be no story. It 'is evident from a genetic research conducted by a team of international scientists and published in the journal American Journal of Human Genetics. The story went like this: humanity began to be distinguished from other species 200,000 years ago. About 150,000 years ago, however, was divided into two distinct groups that began to evolve into two different species and remained so for about 100,000 years, before meeting just in time and give new life to the only existing species of Homo sapiens today . This was the longest period of human history durante il quale due gruppi di popolazione rimasero separate tra di loro. Quando, circa 60.000 anni fa, l'Homo sapiens iniziò a lasciare l'Africa, nella sua prima grande migrazione, le tracce di questa divisione erano ancora ben presenti. "La fusione che permise l'umanità di fondersi di nuovo in un'unica specie avvenne circa 40.000 anni fa", ha spiegato Doron Behar del Rambam Medical Center di Haifa (Israele), che ha partecipato alla ricerca. La divisione della popolazione in due gruppi si verificò in seguito alle aride condizioni climatiche cui furono interessati i nostri più antichi antenati dell'Africa meridionale e orientale, che costrinse la società primitiva a cercare nuove aree per la loro sopravvivenza. Sono numerose infatti, the geological record of the time, which show that violent and rapid climate change. Explain
Spencer Wells, head of the Genographic Project which heads the research: "Always it is assumed that the original population of Homo sapiens who lived in sub-Saharan Africa, was formed by a group of very small, but had always moved pretty much everything together. In fact, research tells us that things went differently. " But because the researchers suggest that humanity is even closer to extinction? "Why - Wells says - the two groups of people were reduced to a few hundred people, a number that can easily lead to the disappearance of a species. It gave a lot to do to survive. "The findings of the research came after Wells and colleagues analyzed 624 complete genomes of mitochondrial DNA, which passes from mother to daughter, from many people who now inhabit the sub-Saharan Africa Saharan Africa and this has allowed us to understand how humanity has evolved in the past. Research has found consensus and opposition: Peter Foster Anglia Ruskin University (UK) said that the findings of this study are not particularly new, because already in 1977 had reached the same conclusions, but then it was not believed until the end. Other researchers however, argue that the scenario could have been humanity's primordial a different story and when the mitochondrial evidence would not be sufficient to support 100% the validity of the theory. The fact is, that if it were true, we really only by a whisker.

Spencer Wells, head of the Genographic Project which heads the research: "Always it is assumed that the original population of Homo sapiens who lived in sub-Saharan Africa, was formed by a group of very small, but had always moved pretty much everything together. In fact, research tells us that things went differently. " But because the researchers suggest that humanity is even closer to extinction? "Why - Wells says - the two groups of people were reduced to a few hundred people, a number that can easily lead to the disappearance of a species. It gave a lot to do to survive. "The findings of the research came after Wells and colleagues analyzed 624 complete genomes of mitochondrial DNA, which passes from mother to daughter, from many people who now inhabit the sub-Saharan Africa Saharan Africa and this has allowed us to understand how humanity has evolved in the past. Research has found consensus and opposition: Peter Foster Anglia Ruskin University (UK) said that the findings of this study are not particularly new, because already in 1977 had reached the same conclusions, but then it was not believed until the end. Other researchers however, argue that the scenario could have been humanity's primordial a different story and when the mitochondrial evidence would not be sufficient to support 100% the validity of the theory. The fact is, that if it were true, we really only by a whisker.
Source: www.repubblica.it
Pokemon How To Battle People Vba
Click on images to enlarge

gladly receive and publish the refutation (as seems supported by evidence) that the new "geoglyphs" found in Google Earth is not such. It 's just a mine. The discovery is a quarried volcanic stone and white and 'served for the construction of many buildings of the colonial city of Arequipa, Peru in the area is called Canteras de Sillar.
Stone Sillar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sillar
No geoglyphs bequeathed by ancient peoples, but by modern man.
Regards Raffaele (moderator Ufology . net).
Thanks for the alert and this publication is the proof (for those who still had doubts) that we publish anything, without flinch, allowing all readers and researchers to participate. We must not hide anything and synergy and collaboration with independent researchers means that even our local ufology final crescendo. Case closed completely? "Ni" (Yes or No), we still have little doubt that everything is only a "hollow".
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wedding Slogans Buniness

What the CUT (Central UFO Taranto) shows the exclusive national is a satellite photo, taken with Google Earth. We are Peruvian plateau, and what we found is what it seems a strange geoglyphs over the mountains, about 4000 meters. The realization seems to have been complex, since it refers to "smooth" hard rock, from the top of the plateau, the age of millions of years. To honor of transparency in N / E is a modern city. And this suggests that the construction is relatively recent. But the purpose? Not a good sign. And if the building is much older and the city was built many centuries later? The fact remains that it is a geoglyphs of unknown function, built on the top of a plateau, "carving" rock millions of years (laser?). A symbol that appears to be a key technology that archetype or interpretation of religion. Something completely different from the classic figures of animals, anthropomorphic or "tracks" that are found in Peru itself, of course, we refer to Nazca. If it were a prehistoric building is very upset with the history of human civilization, a history full of "shadows" and "aid" from from the Cosmos. And while our eyes are delighted by this image.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wedding Favor Tag Wording Ideas
A foreign student visiting in the town of Spree, in south London said they had seen and photographed a UFO. Anastasiya Gavrilenko from Russia insists that she has seen and captured the mysterious object speeding through the sky while he was walking through a park in Croydon, south London. I went to the park because I wanted to take some nice photos in England. But then I noticed something in the sky. I looked up and noticed this thing in the sky, told the The Sun. E 'was great and it was very fast moving. It was the size of an aircraft, ma sembrava più simile a un grande fungo, ha aggiunto. Gavrilenko ha detto che lei è rimasta scioccata quando ha visto lo scatto. Non ho mai creduto in cose come gli UFO prima di questa immagine, ma ora penso che potrebbe essere vero, ha detto.
Fonte: http://www.thaindian.com/

Fonte: http://www.thaindian.com/
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