Thursday, January 27, 2011

Say No Thanks Gracefully

Changing Paradigm

We can not know the world in which children are now beginning their studies will find themselves when they are adults.

For this reason it is essential to provide children's mental tools today that make them able to better address their future.

The school system we know is able to prepare our children to the world in which they live as adults?

to deal successfully with new situations and unexpected is important to think creatively and find innovative ideas, imagine all the possible solutions.

But this approach is not what is applied in the school system, which indeed tends to flatten the creativity insita in ognuno di noi, ad uniformarci secondo un unico standard, a pensare in maniera univoca.

Sir Ken Robinson definisce la creatività come "il processo dell'avere idee originali che hanno valore".

Esse creano l'innovazione che plasma l'evolversi della società.


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