In a world where "flexibility" seems to have become a value, we should really be "flexible" we should learn to be loving and available to whoever is with us and with whom we do not know, to give confidence ' other, and give him more chances despite his errors to prove his kindness and respect towards us. But if our trust is betrayed, when our love is despised, or worse, if the other a priori acts motivated by feelings of hatred and inequality, of contempt or blind selfishness, then we should become rock hard, react with absolute strength and determination. Because history teaches us that those principles, values, recognized and practiced by us, do not spread yourself like a sweet aroma, but instead must be grown with difficulty that their seed can germinate from the hard earth of this material reality.
Too often - in my opinion - confuse the spiritual world with the material.
This confusion leads us to preach the "turn the other cheek" *, or that "the last shall be first" ** or even, to believe that love will prevail over anything. So many and so great were the teachings of the various mythological figures and recent examples such as Martin Luther King or Gandhi, a great inspiration to the kind hearts, but what remains today of their work? As the seeds that have been thrown in a position to defend themselves from the weather? Unfortunately, those seeds of love not just fall on fertile ground, but also on the thorny, on that rocky road.
The world would not be what it is today if those values \u200b\u200band spiritual principles were enough to change the material reality (and I dare say that anyone who believes otherwise is a victim of ignorance).
Sun Tzu teaches us that to win a battle or war itself we must know our enemy and ourselves.
I think it's just our enemy to have been overlooked in the course of history, and, apparently, to be so today. An enemy that is stated in the material world with violence, and the spiritual with the fear. The Right
who can not or will not, defend themselves from violence is killed, period.
Surely that just become a source of inspiration (spiritual) for the kind hearts and noble minds, but the examples do not provide some tools in order to change a reality dominated and shaped by the will to power and the examples into history.
If we continue, then, to mix the spiritual and material I believe that we will never be able to change reality. Only with extreme actions planned and calculated, and so effective, you can create a society where the values \u200b\u200band principles that we love so much are respected and guaranteed, and not, as is the case today, wanted or claimed.
** 6.29 * Luke Matthew 19.16-29

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