I just finished read the latest update - the ninth - of "the greatest crime," Paul Barnard, a journalist whom I admire and respect.
juice upgrade is that what defines Barnard Italy true - the man in the street - did not Over time, the desire and resources to follow the complex reasoning that would lead to understanding the origins of poor living conditions facing and with which he deals daily.
honestly a bit 'I am surprised that Barnard will speak, as if he had ever realized. I remember that he wrote - in reference to Labor - that people do not need to know anything in detail the misdeeds of this or that, and everyone knows that for better or worse and "feel" that something is wrong that not is right, and so on.
then what is it worth talking to an employee of the Euro grill Fini, the Trilateral, Bilderberg, etc. wage deflation.? (Hats off to him anyway done).
Personally, however depressing it may be, consider it a matter of course. It 'a distinctive feature of human psychology that does not want to add more problems - too complex - to those who already faces.
For this reason, or rather also why I support a long time - and I hope it is not the only - that is useless, or at least ineffective, focus on the problems that afflict us.
We need to focus on possible solutions to those problems.
What I mean by "focus on solutions? Obviously there is a problem where there is a solution. Solutions do not mean some abstruse economic formulas. The initial solutions we need are simple, basic.
First of all need a little thinking, as a premise.
The purpose of the human being is happiness - without getting into existential questions, atteniamoci here to the practical sphere.
Happiness is a subjective concept, and can result from several factors, but it certainly needs to be born with a condition: the satisfaction of needs.
Now, the needs of human beings, like those of any other animal, are relatively simple: every man must eat, drink and enjoy good health. In practice the "good health" is divided into: to live in a healthy environment, have access to care if you fall ill, and be able to repair from the elements of nature.
not need anything else, really needs nothing else is talking about.
us living in this sick system, that without the cursed money does not give anything, the real need we have is to ensure compliance with these basic needs. The fear now is precisely that it could not meet these fundamental rights of every human being: fear of not finding a job that allows us to be able to eat or feed our families, fear that it could not "afford" a home where to live, fear that it could not "afford" a future for themselves or their children.
The solutions are then those changes, knowledge / technology or opportunities that would allow us to reclaim the resources needed to meet our basic needs.
This, in my opinion, is the very basis on which to build.
Obviously I'm not saying to focus only on these aspects, it is right and desirable to contextualize our daily reality and understand the factors that create or influence.
But I think it's important to understand that fear of change stems from insecurity and fear of not being able to meet tomorrow - but also in the process of change - those simple needs I listed before.
The priority must be to share knowledge and find the best solutions to various problems, large and small, that we live daily. Always
Barnard concludes the sixth update saying "First thing you do this," referring to an awareness of the causes of the international status quo "then for the solutions we open another chapter. There are."
I think it's time to open this new chapter together.
David B.
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