Thursday, March 3 the neighborhood committee will screen the documentary SOLO COME UN UOMO . Il viaggio di un migrante etiope che per arrivare a Roma dovrà affrontare l'inferno libico...
Un ottimo documentario capace di far comprendere a fondo le atroci complicità degli stati europei, per primo quello italiano con Gheddafi ed il suo regime.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Avalanche Bed For Silverado
Paolo Barnard apriamo tutti insieme il capitolo delle soluzioni
I just finished read the latest update - the ninth - of "the greatest crime," Paul Barnard, a journalist whom I admire and respect.
juice upgrade is that what defines Barnard Italy true - the man in the street - did not Over time, the desire and resources to follow the complex reasoning that would lead to understanding the origins of poor living conditions facing and with which he deals daily.
honestly a bit 'I am surprised that Barnard will speak, as if he had ever realized. I remember that he wrote - in reference to Labor - that people do not need to know anything in detail the misdeeds of this or that, and everyone knows that for better or worse and "feel" that something is wrong that not is right, and so on.
then what is it worth talking to an employee of the Euro grill Fini, the Trilateral, Bilderberg, etc. wage deflation.? (Hats off to him anyway done).
Personally, however depressing it may be, consider it a matter of course. It 'a distinctive feature of human psychology that does not want to add more problems - too complex - to those who already faces.
For this reason, or rather also why I support a long time - and I hope it is not the only - that is useless, or at least ineffective, focus on the problems that afflict us.
We need to focus on possible solutions to those problems.
What I mean by "focus on solutions? Obviously there is a problem where there is a solution. Solutions do not mean some abstruse economic formulas. The initial solutions we need are simple, basic.
First of all need a little thinking, as a premise.
The purpose of the human being is happiness - without getting into existential questions, atteniamoci here to the practical sphere.
Happiness is a subjective concept, and can result from several factors, but it certainly needs to be born with a condition: the satisfaction of needs.
Now, the needs of human beings, like those of any other animal, are relatively simple: every man must eat, drink and enjoy good health. In practice the "good health" is divided into: to live in a healthy environment, have access to care if you fall ill, and be able to repair from the elements of nature.
not need anything else, really needs nothing else is talking about.
us living in this sick system, that without the cursed money does not give anything, the real need we have is to ensure compliance with these basic needs. The fear now is precisely that it could not meet these fundamental rights of every human being: fear of not finding a job that allows us to be able to eat or feed our families, fear that it could not "afford" a home where to live, fear that it could not "afford" a future for themselves or their children.
The solutions are then those changes, knowledge / technology or opportunities that would allow us to reclaim the resources needed to meet our basic needs.
This, in my opinion, is the very basis on which to build.
Obviously I'm not saying to focus only on these aspects, it is right and desirable to contextualize our daily reality and understand the factors that create or influence.
But I think it's important to understand that fear of change stems from insecurity and fear of not being able to meet tomorrow - but also in the process of change - those simple needs I listed before.
The priority must be to share knowledge and find the best solutions to various problems, large and small, that we live daily. Always
Barnard concludes the sixth update saying "First thing you do this," referring to an awareness of the causes of the international status quo "then for the solutions we open another chapter. There are."
I think it's time to open this new chapter together.
David B.

I just finished read the latest update - the ninth - of "the greatest crime," Paul Barnard, a journalist whom I admire and respect.
juice upgrade is that what defines Barnard Italy true - the man in the street - did not Over time, the desire and resources to follow the complex reasoning that would lead to understanding the origins of poor living conditions facing and with which he deals daily.
honestly a bit 'I am surprised that Barnard will speak, as if he had ever realized. I remember that he wrote - in reference to Labor - that people do not need to know anything in detail the misdeeds of this or that, and everyone knows that for better or worse and "feel" that something is wrong that not is right, and so on.
then what is it worth talking to an employee of the Euro grill Fini, the Trilateral, Bilderberg, etc. wage deflation.? (Hats off to him anyway done).
Personally, however depressing it may be, consider it a matter of course. It 'a distinctive feature of human psychology that does not want to add more problems - too complex - to those who already faces.
For this reason, or rather also why I support a long time - and I hope it is not the only - that is useless, or at least ineffective, focus on the problems that afflict us.
We need to focus on possible solutions to those problems.
What I mean by "focus on solutions? Obviously there is a problem where there is a solution. Solutions do not mean some abstruse economic formulas. The initial solutions we need are simple, basic.
First of all need a little thinking, as a premise.
The purpose of the human being is happiness - without getting into existential questions, atteniamoci here to the practical sphere.
Happiness is a subjective concept, and can result from several factors, but it certainly needs to be born with a condition: the satisfaction of needs.
Now, the needs of human beings, like those of any other animal, are relatively simple: every man must eat, drink and enjoy good health. In practice the "good health" is divided into: to live in a healthy environment, have access to care if you fall ill, and be able to repair from the elements of nature.
not need anything else, really needs nothing else is talking about.
us living in this sick system, that without the cursed money does not give anything, the real need we have is to ensure compliance with these basic needs. The fear now is precisely that it could not meet these fundamental rights of every human being: fear of not finding a job that allows us to be able to eat or feed our families, fear that it could not "afford" a home where to live, fear that it could not "afford" a future for themselves or their children.
The solutions are then those changes, knowledge / technology or opportunities that would allow us to reclaim the resources needed to meet our basic needs.
This, in my opinion, is the very basis on which to build.
Obviously I'm not saying to focus only on these aspects, it is right and desirable to contextualize our daily reality and understand the factors that create or influence.
But I think it's important to understand that fear of change stems from insecurity and fear of not being able to meet tomorrow - but also in the process of change - those simple needs I listed before.
The priority must be to share knowledge and find the best solutions to various problems, large and small, that we live daily. Always
Barnard concludes the sixth update saying "First thing you do this," referring to an awareness of the causes of the international status quo "then for the solutions we open another chapter. There are."
I think it's time to open this new chapter together.
David B.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Do Corn Tortillas Have Any Nutritional Value?
Venerdì 18 Febbraio
selezione SKA-PUNK-ROCK-
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Portable Dog Fences For Small Dogs
Il domani contiene il cambiamento che desideri, basta volerlo!
Do not ever think that they can not see the change you want. Do not think of having to lay the groundwork now for the change in the distant future. Build today the changes of tomorrow, because the changes happen in a few days in this socio-built.
"When you dream alone is a dream when you dream begins in two reality."
We have little time and a lot of work to do, but just wanting the change that we see in our minds and we feel in our hearts can be conducted on a daily basis, and that change is closer than you think.

Do not ever think that they can not see the change you want. Do not think of having to lay the groundwork now for the change in the distant future. Build today the changes of tomorrow, because the changes happen in a few days in this socio-built.
"When you dream alone is a dream when you dream begins in two reality."
We have little time and a lot of work to do, but just wanting the change that we see in our minds and we feel in our hearts can be conducted on a daily basis, and that change is closer than you think.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Danactive Good For A Diet?
19 FEBBRAIO 2011-Autodeterminazione ora!-
In occasione della quinta settimana di solidarietà con il popolo basco che si concluderà con la manifestazione nazionale
presentano una serata di controinformazione sulla questione basca. In occasione della quinta settimana di solidarietà con il popolo basco che si concluderà con la manifestazione nazionale
February 26 in Milan
invite a representative of IKASLE (student movement) who will talk about organization of the Basque education system and the struggles carried out for a national education system, unitary, popular and free from the interests of capital. And a representative of the Basque youth movement organization that will speak of the bow, repression and the current situation in Euskal Herria.
A useful opportunity to compare verrà fornito dalla analisi delle lotte contro gli inceneritori sostenute dalla popolazione basca negli ultimi anni che permetterà di confrontare le strategie che dal basso vengono proposte per risolvere il problema.
Dancing For Prlapsed Uterus
I popoli possono autodeterminarsi solo nella misura in cui gli eserciti lo consentono. - D.B.
In a world where "flexibility" seems to have become a value, we should really be "flexible" we should learn to be loving and available to whoever is with us and with whom we do not know, to give confidence ' other, and give him more chances despite his errors to prove his kindness and respect towards us. But if our trust is betrayed, when our love is despised, or worse, if the other a priori acts motivated by feelings of hatred and inequality, of contempt or blind selfishness, then we should become rock hard, react with absolute strength and determination. Because history teaches us that those principles, values, recognized and practiced by us, do not spread yourself like a sweet aroma, but instead must be grown with difficulty that their seed can germinate from the hard earth of this material reality.
Too often - in my opinion - confuse the spiritual world with the material.
This confusion leads us to preach the "turn the other cheek" *, or that "the last shall be first" ** or even, to believe that love will prevail over anything. So many and so great were the teachings of the various mythological figures and recent examples such as Martin Luther King or Gandhi, a great inspiration to the kind hearts, but what remains today of their work? As the seeds that have been thrown in a position to defend themselves from the weather? Unfortunately, those seeds of love not just fall on fertile ground, but also on the thorny, on that rocky road.
The world would not be what it is today if those values \u200b\u200band spiritual principles were enough to change the material reality (and I dare say that anyone who believes otherwise is a victim of ignorance).
Sun Tzu teaches us that to win a battle or war itself we must know our enemy and ourselves.
I think it's just our enemy to have been overlooked in the course of history, and, apparently, to be so today. An enemy that is stated in the material world with violence, and the spiritual with the fear. The Right
who can not or will not, defend themselves from violence is killed, period.
Surely that just become a source of inspiration (spiritual) for the kind hearts and noble minds, but the examples do not provide some tools in order to change a reality dominated and shaped by the will to power and the examples into history.
If we continue, then, to mix the spiritual and material I believe that we will never be able to change reality. Only with extreme actions planned and calculated, and so effective, you can create a society where the values \u200b\u200band principles that we love so much are respected and guaranteed, and not, as is the case today, wanted or claimed.
** 6.29 * Luke Matthew 19.16-29
In a world where "flexibility" seems to have become a value, we should really be "flexible" we should learn to be loving and available to whoever is with us and with whom we do not know, to give confidence ' other, and give him more chances despite his errors to prove his kindness and respect towards us. But if our trust is betrayed, when our love is despised, or worse, if the other a priori acts motivated by feelings of hatred and inequality, of contempt or blind selfishness, then we should become rock hard, react with absolute strength and determination. Because history teaches us that those principles, values, recognized and practiced by us, do not spread yourself like a sweet aroma, but instead must be grown with difficulty that their seed can germinate from the hard earth of this material reality.
Too often - in my opinion - confuse the spiritual world with the material.
This confusion leads us to preach the "turn the other cheek" *, or that "the last shall be first" ** or even, to believe that love will prevail over anything. So many and so great were the teachings of the various mythological figures and recent examples such as Martin Luther King or Gandhi, a great inspiration to the kind hearts, but what remains today of their work? As the seeds that have been thrown in a position to defend themselves from the weather? Unfortunately, those seeds of love not just fall on fertile ground, but also on the thorny, on that rocky road.
The world would not be what it is today if those values \u200b\u200band spiritual principles were enough to change the material reality (and I dare say that anyone who believes otherwise is a victim of ignorance).
Sun Tzu teaches us that to win a battle or war itself we must know our enemy and ourselves.
I think it's just our enemy to have been overlooked in the course of history, and, apparently, to be so today. An enemy that is stated in the material world with violence, and the spiritual with the fear. The Right
who can not or will not, defend themselves from violence is killed, period.
Surely that just become a source of inspiration (spiritual) for the kind hearts and noble minds, but the examples do not provide some tools in order to change a reality dominated and shaped by the will to power and the examples into history.
If we continue, then, to mix the spiritual and material I believe that we will never be able to change reality. Only with extreme actions planned and calculated, and so effective, you can create a society where the values \u200b\u200band principles that we love so much are respected and guaranteed, and not, as is the case today, wanted or claimed.
** 6.29 * Luke Matthew 19.16-29

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