Among the many mysterious phenomena of the universe, quasars are certainly one of the most enigmatic and interesting, given their relatively recent discovery due to radio astronomy, with the most advanced radio telescopes in the world. As we know, since the radio signals più lunghi della luce , hanno bisogno di grandi antenne per essere ricevute ed ecco allora l’utilità dei radiotelescopi , che hanno permesso la scoperta di fenomeni cosmici estremi come le pulsar , i quasar e le radiogalassie . Queste ultime sono galassie dotate di emissioni radio molto potenti , superiori di oltre cento volte a galassie come la nostra Via Lattea . Al loro interno sono state evidenziate dai radioastronomi immani esplosioni forse causate dal fatto di essere galassie in formazione o forse dalla presenza di buchi neri . La prima a essere scoperta negli anni trenta fu la Cygnus A nella costellazione del Cigno , che emette onde radio un milione di volte più potenti della nostra galassia . Un’altra grande scoperta dovuta alla radioastronomia are the pulsar, known radiopulsanti sources, which are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit regular radio pulses. The first of these was discovered in 1967 by a student at the University of Cambridge: Jocelyn Bell and his thesis supervisor, Anthony Hewish, who later became Nobel prize for physics in 1974. The first name that was given to the newly discovered pulsar was: LITTLE GREEN MEN, little green men, because then someone suggested that those regular radio signals, communications were one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Even the genius Nikola Tesla, the early days of radio astronomy research in his laboratory in Colorado Springs in the United States, studying the signals from interstellar clouds and red giant stars, he swore he had picked up signs of alien origin, finally dedicating his studies to pick up signals from Mars. In his day, however, although he communicated his findings to scientific journals, did not have much credit from the science of the time, perhaps because there was still an official search on extraterrestrial radio signals. Quasars however, discovered with radio telescopes in the late fifties, are astronomical objects that resemble normal stars if we observe them with optical telescopes. Are very distant objects that emit more energy than many galaxies, combined with large amounts of radiation across the spectrum and thus by electromagnetic radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays. In fact, quasars are considered the brightest objects in the known universe, thanks to the fact that their gas and dust falling into a black hole forms a large luminous disc increasingly large and in fact their great energy defines them as "dynamo" of the Universe. The huge emissions could incinerate our blue planet too many light years away with their flames. The astronomers speculate that quasars are created by blacks holes, which absorb the material being imploded stars and create these so-called radiostelle. We also assume that every star in origin of the Universe can be was a quasar. To realize their power, just think that the gas expelled from them can be extended in space even for 150,000 light years. The largest radio telescopes in the world, starting with the Hubble Space Telescope, have dealt with this type of research. We remember it: the Arecibo radio telescope SETI to search for alien signals, the Parkes Radio Telescope in Sydney, who a few months ago has identified strange signals, the radio telescope at Palomar Observatory, the Chandra telescope, the Very Large Telescope in Chile, the Green Bank, the legendary radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, Sir Bernard Lovell, especially the parables of the Very Large Array, but not too strangely situated in the plain of Socorro nel New Mexico , non lontano da siti ufologici conosciutissimi come : Roswell , Magdalena , Alamagordo , Aztec ecc. Questo , dulcis in fundo , non può non far pensare che lo studio dei quasar , delle pulsar e delle radiogalassie , non sia da mettere in relazione con la ricerca di segnali di civiltà extraterrestri . Se andiamo a vedere , molte strane onde radio sono state captate negli anni dalle gigantesche parabole dei nostri radiotelescopi . La casistica di questi segnali anomali parte già agli albori del secolo , nel 1900 , con il genio elettronico Nikola Tesla , i cui studi saranno negli anni quaranta sfruttati per il famoso Philadelphia Experiment , che aveva captato con l’apparato radio da lui montato su di una torre a Colorado Springs , Signals intelligence, which made him exclaim the phrase in which he said he was "the first to receive greetings from another world," asserting that the aliens were probably already among us and we could not see them because they had a different constitutive structure from ours, and indeed if we think that there have been UFO-landing in the nineteenth century, Aurora in the first place, it is not enough to confine the field of fantasy. Two years later, Guglielmo Marconi began experiments, and then with the invention of the radio will pick up on different frequencies, many signals from space, the same Marconi, future supervisor of the Cabinet RS 33 Mussolini, called the origin " Martian. " Returning to more recent times, the search for intelligent signals from space began officially in 1960 with the Project OZMA Frank Drake, an ancestor of the SETI Arecibo, coincided with the discovery of quasars and pulsars, and this makes us think about how the signals of these quasi-stellar radio sources of natural signals are opposed to aliens, or are even exploited by Codest civilization as new frequencies to accelerate the delivery of their common message. Why are there natural radio sources, they can be used by alien civilizations as tunnels radio-communicating with other civilizations to find out more distant that the universe is teeming with life, and before sending ufo-space probes with techno-biological entities suitable for interstellar flight, these are a kind of radio show, also to explore the possibility that other civilizations are peaceful or not and if they can be cultured and technologically. These alien civilizations, in fact, as old as the universe will have reached an advanced technological level, capable of interacting with the natural dimensions and the forces that govern it and then having no aims of conquest, have as their sole purpose the study of other civilization of the area who have not reached an advanced level of technology and evolution, and therefore have a less anthropocentric and more benign than ours, as we are accustomed to attacking or being attacked by our neighbor. This certainly does not mean that in the Cosmos there may be some belligerent civilization, but until now we had proof, while the warlike mentality of our world, human history is full of them. Then back to a less sociological discourse, but more scientific, it could be, since we know little about the phenomena of the universe, quasars and pulsars that emit signals which are tunnels where radio-communicating channel extraterrestrial radio waves similar to whormoles used to bend the dimensional space, while they serve to bend the radio channels, which are known to be diverted by unforeseen obstacles. Science fiction? Recall that the latter was defined as a kind of science of anticipation, which has just occurred then anticipated many discoveries in the history of the known Universe. We will see in the future if this theory will prove correct.
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