Cosa è successo la scorsa notte nei pressi di Decatur di cui molte persone parlano? Venerdì notte e oggi, la nostra sala stampa è stata inondata da persone che indagano su uno strano avvistamento nel cielo occidentale. Che cosa hanno visto? Quello che sappiamo è che un oggetto è apparso nel cielo quella notte. Ciò che è accaduto è stato al centro di questa sera al WAFF 48 Investigators Report. "Ho visto che arrivavano dal cielo in questo modo". Cody Terry è stata la guida del Aquadome Recreation Center venerdì notte a Decatur, quando ha notato nel cielo qualcosa di strano. When he passed through the sky, I really thought it was a plane that lost control so I stopped completely on the road. When I saw this I noticed that did not emit any sound. "No sound, and he says it did not seem to be an aircraft." His speed was about two hundred miles per hour and went straight to the ground and disappeared. "Some people say they saw a Med-Flight back here but some people have seen something else. Cody says he saw three military helicopters in the air and an ambulance on the ground. "We saw what was inside the ambulance and looked like a giant pearl and it was brilliant. He seemed about 1 meter in diameter and was reflective. "" For now this happened in the sky will remain a mystery. WAFF 48 talked to the director of Med-Flight about an hour ago and confirmed that they had a helicopter in the area and other helicopters were in the air and close at that time. He said that one of his pilots saw a meteorite in the sky last night.
With regard to recovery of depth on the exceptional ' enigmatic ball ( levied by the Project Moondust?) , recovery made by some men involved found in wearing special gloves and (apparently) applied to the sheet over it to cover the heavy ball, which was taken from three men, you can go to the link Linda Molton Howe http:// www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1424&category=Environment
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