Thursday, May 8, 2008
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Wednesday, May 7, 2008
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Images Of A Yellow Lump On Tonsils
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
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Source: Journal "Darwin, bimonthly Sciences, Number 25, May / June 2008, page 13"
Monday, May 5, 2008
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The discovery - as the researchers explain in an article published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters of 10 May - will have a major impact on understanding the formation and evolution of the early universe. When blacks
two holes merge, the gravitational waves produced are emitted mainly in one direction, had the effect of pushing the newly formed black hole in the opposite direction. And if it impressed by the speed at this pressure is high enough, the black hole can be ejected from the galaxy. And this is exactly what has happened to the black hole known by the abbreviation SDSSJ092712.65 +294344.0.
The attention of researchers, who first observed the effects of an event of this type with the observations of the ROSAT satellite, was attracted by a high rate of displacement - more than 2650 kilometers per second - the cloud of gas that is the accretion disk of a supermassive black hole has a mass 100 million times higher than that of the Sun
The event confirms the predictions made sulla base della teoria generale della relatività, ma c'è anche un'altra implicazione della scoperta: da un lato, esistono galassie prive di un buco nero al loro centro e, dall'altro, negli spazi intergalattici devono vagare buchi neri solitari. Questa circostanza - come osserva Stefanie Komossa, che ha diretto la ricerca - pone altre questioni: Galassie e buchi neri si sono evoluti assieme nel primo universo? Qual è la consistenza della popolazione di galassie di questo tipo? Le galassie private del loro buco nero subiscono un'evoluzione differente dalle altre? Domande a cui ora i ricercatori cercheranno di rispondere.
Sign Thumb Little Finger
Questa foto è stata scattata da un gruppo di persona che si trovavano in California, il giorno 06 Febbraio 2003. Tutto ciò che si sa è che la zona è balneare ed è stata scattata tramite una macchina digitale. L'aspetto singolare e intrigante è che raffigura ciò che ricordano 3 sfere in formazione, di colore bianco, molto simili a quella recuperata recentemente in Alabama. Coincidenze? Anche questa foto è stata divulgata da
Left Side Mildly Numb
This photo was taken April 26, 2008, from an anonymous person who was on the roof of his home in Christchurch, New Zealand. It 'was taken at 17:20, and was taking the usual pictures of the sunset. Two days later he noticed something strange on the photographs. At the same dayThe witness saw strange lights flying in orange near Port Hills (which dominates all the hills of Christchurch.)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
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Saturday, May 3, 2008
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Dr. Irwin Braverman, who teaches history of medicine at Yale University, has developed a theory on the appearance of Pharaoh, to be submitted during the annual meeting of the University of Maryland dedicated to the diseases and the reasons for the deaths of historic figures.
According to Braverman, the pharaoh was a real "mutant", or the victim of a genetic mutation that alters the hormonal functions, increasing the presence of female hormones in her body. From this follows, says the student "look androgynous of Pharaoh, who had a physical markedly among women, with basin wide and breast, and yet were men and had children. "His wife was the beautiful Queen Nefertiti.
According to the Egyptologist and archaeologist Donald B. Redford, the theory of Braverman is interesting, although scholars have generally agreed that Akhenaton was suffering from "Marfan syndrome", a disease that affects on the physical features resulting stretched. Other hypotheses by examining the "Klinefelter's syndrome" and other diseases like that.
Many questions would be clarified if Egyptologists were able to identify without hesitation on the mummy of Akhenaten and the Egyptian government gave permission to conduct investigations on the DNA. Braveman hopes that his theory can help to increase the research on this matter.
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Friday, May 2, 2008
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Strane luci fluttuanti in giro per il cielo notturno sono state segnalate nelle contee di Larimer e Weld Lunedi e Martedì notte, secondo Clifford Clift, del MUFON. According to Clift Monday night four lights in formation to "boomerang" appeared in the sky of Loveland, and Tuesday at 8 pm, an anonymous witness reported strange lights in the area of \u200b\u200bWeld County Road 17 and U.S. 34. The light came from nowhere and then disappeared rapidly, Clift said. Margie Martinez, spokeswoman for the Weld County Sheriff's Office, confirmed that riveuto a call from an anonymous witness notteClift said Tuesday that calls are not new. "Over the last six months there has been a lot of activity reported by six or seven reports of strange lights in the sky, he said, which would be consistent with those reported in the area of \u200b\u200bLoveland earlier this week. The relations, he added, coincide with those of other parts of the country. "It 's almost as if, whatever they may be, would be seen," said Clift. He said the UFO group is in contact with the Federal Aviation Administration to see if the air traffic controllers have reported any unusual activity, but he said he was not confident that the group would get a response. Meanwhile, Eloise Campanella, spokeswoman for the Larimer County Sheriff's Office said the Latimer County has not received any report of strange lights.
Full article (in English) on:
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wagon Birthdady Invites
This article appeared in the newspaper "Ogden Standard-Examiner" of 12 February 1922 and was carried by the website . We discusses the science of our world prophesied in 10,000 years. The piece is a brief article by Hugo Gernsback with illustrations by Louis Biedermann. Excerpts appear below. The updated scientist has little difficulty in predicting certain things that will occur within ten or fifty years, but a hundred centuries hence is a most difficult task, even for the most intrepid imagination. Virtually none of our present civilization, that there will be 10,000 years can be predicted with certainty. We can also prophesy that humans as a result of a hundred centuries, live in entirely different circumstances from those that now exist. The illustration depicts a future of floating cities high in the air several miles above the earth. The question to support such a large body in a rarefied atmosphere will be of little difficulty for our future electrical engineers. So how to build marine leviathans daily, some of them weighing up to 50,000 tonnes, we will build the city of the weight of billions of tons, to be held in a space of greenhouse gas balloons, propellers, or similar antiquated machinery, but through devices cancellation of gravity. Already experiments have been done for which it has become possible to reduce the weight of the electric force. From the reconstruction we see futuristic "flying saucers" columnist in electromagnetic propulsion and human-powered flying machines (Flying Humanoids?). Really interesting.