Monday, January 24, 2011

Can Endstage Liver Disease Be Cured?



Il libero mercato è il grande alibi del Potere.
Il denaro è il suo strumento fondamentale.
Il lavoro la sua arma di ricatto. La risposta è dare vita a circuiti alternativi e autogestiti

Siamo sotto assedio: assai più che negli scorsi decenni ciascuno di noi, privati all'establishment economic and political foreign nationals is subject to a systematic attack that undermines the very foundations of his life in contemporary society. The summary could be called "Marchionne's strategy, except that in this way you may download a single entity, and on an individual company, the responsibility of a phenomenon far more comprehensive and consistent. Strictly speaking, indeed, it is wrong to even talk about the phenomenon in the sense of something that manifests itself in reality but whose names are yet to be investigated.

In this case, we face the first tangible results, and unambiguous, a design that not only has a lot size wider but mainly based on the logic states so unshakable: the use of employees as the supreme weapon of blackmail, and then the enslavement, against the population.

The reasoning is elementary. Yet it deserves to be spelled out, so be sure to share it. The only thing which can not give up today is a source of income that would at least cover the basic needs, and that source of income that can not be, in most cases, their work, usually in the service of others. What should be a right inherent to their status as citizens and natural aspiration to become part of the community you belong to, turns into a kind of privilege, which will be granted only to those who will try to earn it.

and not so much not only for his professional contribution, as for its total submission to the employer. And, by extension, the interests and dictates of the dictators that are still higher.

Apparently you subscribe to an employment contract. In fact it makes a pledge of allegiance. The subject will bow to her Lord. The Lord, His goodness, allows him to serve.

addition to the basic reasoning is ruthless, but only the naive may surprise: according to traditional precepts dell'iperliberismo, who does not hesitate to sacrifice any ethical principle to achieve the maximum profit, the living conditions of people will be considered only by the impact of causing the economic processes. Individuals, so to speak, are a necessary evil.

whose existence is justified only under certain operational requirements of the cycle of production and consumption. A course that requires them to some extent, but at the same time transcends them. Their

, to put it in technical terms, is a "use value". And being seen as parts of a mechanism, rather than as human beings to be respected as such, and to help develop their skills better further consequence is that they are substantially interchangeable.

From which it follows, among other things, the absolute ease with which they carry out the relocation: the entrepreneur who move plants abroad is not at all interested in the damage to be suffered by his countrymen, but only that the business benefit him may arise. In a nation worthy of the name would be prosecuted for antisocial conduct, or at least, deprived of citizenship in fake nations of today it is considered quite normal and even, as evidenced by its recent history of the Fiat, it raises some questions about how to convince him to reserve some 'work to his countrymen.

A true paradox: at the same time when relations become rigid one-way, dismantling the collective agreements and minimizing regulatory safeguards (up to challenge the delicate and essential area of \u200b\u200bsicurezza1), wears the mask of the overpowering generosity. Not only removes the idea of \u200b\u200bexploitation, but is reversed into the exact opposite. The owner is a benefactor. The worker is your benefit. The salary is a cross between the fee due and regalia, provided by someone at the bottom, and at any time, you may decide to sbaraccare everything and go somewhere. A "benefit" from someone else. Who sells and

buyers in Western societies is more difficult to realize, since the dynamics are fragmented to the point that not everyone can grasp the intimate interconnection, but good to see something happen very similar to that told in John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath . Forced to leave Oklahoma in the Great Depression, the Joad family ends up in California and began working for local landowners. Who, not content to pay starvation wages and labor supply on the huge mirror as well, think to complete the work by inducing the workers to stay on their land, of course, four cabins in money and supplies from a store located also in the vicinity of cultivated fields, looks a bit ', owned by the same landlords.

A vicious circle in its own way perfect. The work is underpaid, food and everything else is expensive. Opportunities for profit doubled. First we derive profit from the pay, or on what you buy, then prices of the goods, or on what you sell. The poor remain poor is because they earn little, and because it spends too much. The poor are trapped. If it is not subject to slavery lost livelihoods. If bows his head survives, provided that the hardship is not the breaks, but no longer has any choice. So no autonomy.

Change what must be changed, the current situation is similar. The average citizen is squeezed for the first time in the workplace, and a second when they must provide the goods and services, including any bank financing, you'll need. Or they believe they need, as a result of that additional form of manipulation and subjugation which consists of the induced needs. In other words, he is the victim of a sort of compulsory mediation. It's like taking the owner of the flour mill and then buy bread from him. Too bad that the flour has been forced to sell it cheap, and the bread it pays its weight in gold. This forced

brokerage, which is never discussed e che comunque verrebbe spiegata come l’esito naturale della libera iniziativa e della conseguente divisione dei ruoli, implica la perdita di qualunque controllo sull’organizzazione complessiva. E, dunque, il venir meno di ogni possibilità di sottrarsi alle iniquità che ne scaturiscono. Non solo ci si indebolisce, nello sforzo interminabile di cavarsela e, tutt’al più, di salire qualche gradino sulla scala del benessere. Quel che è peggio, si contribuisce a rendere sempre più forti le oligarchie che tirano i fili, diventandone di fatto i fiancheggiatori, i solerti esecutori, i complici magari involontari ma ugualmente affidabili.

La via d’uscita

Non è ancora un progetto operativo, if not a little. It is not because, to be put into practice and begin to have effect, requires a much higher number of people than those who read regularly and share the Rebel instances. In addition, each of the various groups should be concentrated in one area, so that members can interact with each other in a regular and systematic basis. Creating thus a network of economic relations - including economic - which tend to self-sufficiency.

If this is the ultimate goal, which is well set to learn more where you are going to delude ourselves that we can complete the course, some steps you can move immediately. Or at least tenersi pronti a farlo, come se ci si stesse preparando a un viaggio (una migrazione) che avrà inizio non appena le condizioni generali lo permetteranno.

Proprio come in un viaggio, quindi, i primi atti da compiere riguardano i preliminari. Uno, studiare attentamente le mappe. Due, pianificare la parte logistica. Tre, last but not least, predisporsi mentalmente ad affrontare quello che ci aspetta, immaginando le difficoltà che si incontreranno e le possibili soluzioni.

Fuor di metafora, le mappe sono quelle della realtà economica circostante, a livello sia macro che micro. La logistica riguarda i mezzi materiali e le persone su cui possiamo contare. Lo scopo del viaggio è uscire dal circolo vizioso di cui si è detto: invece di immettere tutti i nostri atti economici nei circuiti già esistenti, pagando pegno alle loro sperequazioni strutturali, vanno creati dei circuiti alternativi che si basino su altri principi e che mirino ad altri risultati, in antitesi alle speculazioni di grande e di piccolo cabotaggio che ormai sono la regola in qualsiasi attività. Una prima ipotesi, per iniziare da qualcosa che dipende solo da noi, è quella di supplire alla carenza di denaro con prestazioni gratuite reciproche. v Beninteso: non in una logica di scambio “uno a uno”, che altrimenti non farebbe che riprodurre lo stesso approccio utilitaristico delle normali transazioni economiche, ma in una prospettiva di supporto disinteressato e amichevole in cui il vero motore is solidarity. Or, rather, the pleasure typical of the gratuity, to do things together for the sake of it. Need a hand? If I can do thee. If and when the positions were to be upset I hope you can do the same. Not to save on the expenditure that should I take to gain the cooperation of a stranger, but to continue to transform the lives watchful dell'ometto liberal generous man in life free.

To many it may seem a mere utopia, but it is only because they are so imbued with a vision economistic impossible to find what should be normal. And that ultimately survives, even if confined to the ever-increasing restricted friendship relations. Or family if the family has kept something healthy.

Conversely, this type of momentum should be recovered not only in the sphere of leisure but also in the work. The truth is, if anything, you have forgotten, is simple and rewarding of loyal people, and not clouded by the desire to earn more money and develop your career at any cost, it works better. We speak frankly. You get rid of that undercurrent of competition and antagonism that poisons so many work environments, causing everyone to watch and share only the bare essentials, fearing that the "colleagues" if they fit improperly.

is a bit ' come con la decrescita: sta diventando una necessità, ma dovrebbe essere innanzitutto una scelta. Recuperare forme di organizzazione economica differenti, come le vere cooperative e le vere Casse di risparmio, è sempre di più una risposta obbligata, in tempi di crescente disoccupazione e di finanza speculativa. Ma dovrebbe essere un’affermazione totalmente libera, degna di chi non si ribella al sistema attuale perché è escluso da certi privilegi ma perché quei privilegi li rifiuta. Non è solo che li trova iniqui e quindi sbagliati. È che non sa cosa farsene.

Federico Zamboni

1) Il 25 agosto 2010 il ministro Tremonti ha dichiarato che «robe such as 626 (the law on safety at work) are a luxury we can not afford. Italy are the European Union that must adapt to the world. " Later it is safe to say that his real target was the mold and excessive bureaucratic controls, and safety at work is "an essential achievement of Western civilization."

Courtesy of "The Voice of the Rebel"

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