rights, No to blackmail.
“Si ai diritti, no ai ricatti” è lo slogan della manifestazione nazionale indetta dalla FIOM che si terrà il 16 Ottobre a Roma e che vedrà la partecipazione non solo del mondo del work but also education. The goal is shared: to ask the Italian government a change of course in terms of rights, which in recent years have increasingly been sacrificed on the altar of profit.
"The rights, no to blackmail" is the slogan of the Assembly held in Milan, Monday, Oct. 11 at the Aula Magna of the University Bicocca, commissioned by the active delegates FIOM-CGIL Lombardia.
The assembly hall about a thousand seats fill up quickly as the big occasions, and soon the participants are forced to follow up the remaining spaces. Another time I happened to see that room so crowded: it was March 10, 2010 and the occasion was the debate on "secular epistemology: the truths of science" with the Nobel Prize Margherita Hack as the guest of honor. Then the subject was science and its history, in that room breathes a unique atmosphere while being evoked the struggles to assert his fundamental human freedoms, free from all types of conditions and constraints. How then
Monday also recalled an atmosphere of fierce fighting the past, even in this case for the assertion of individual freedom through the recognition of their rights.
creator of this event is not the academic world, but that of work, a union in particular: the FIOM - Employees Federation metalworkers.
Thanks to this union and the struggles that the protagonist - an example is that of Pomigliano - the role of the union as an instrument is recovering its dignity. In recent years, the role of trade unions has changed dramatically. Their work is no longer promoting their new rights or conservation, but a constant consultation on the rights acquired in the struggles of the past should be reduced.
Among the guests were Gert Bauer, general secretary of the IGM Reutilmgem - the German metalworkers' union, Massimo Roccella, professor of Labour Law at the University of Turin; Vauro Senesi, journalist and cartoonist of the Manifesto, best known for his cartoons in TV RAI 2 "Annozero" Maurizio Landini, Secretary General National FIOM-CGIL.
The final speech of Landini has touched key issues such as the recent economic crisis and excessive laissez faire States on the subject, with particular reference to the Italian condition. A speech worthy of note, especially when he remembers that the FIOM is not isolated, that the struggles of which is headed not only addressed to the workers but to all members of society, to ensure all rights of the individual and not just those of work.
E 'on this issue, the rights, which on Oct. 16 in Rome FIOM will not be alone: \u200b\u200bin the event, in fact, will attend the schools for the right to study and against cuts in public funds. On 16
in Rome are not only critical of the move but the alternatives will be proposed, which is often forgotten. Alternatives that see the human being at the center and its rights, and proposals calling for a greater presence of that state that in recent times has proved powerless spectator of the decadent spectacle generated by that abstract and undefined entity we call "market" .
The event will see students and workers pull together So - as it should be - in the struggle for individual rights, a claim the importance of the human being above all else, be it profit or the economy itself. Without this, significant as a symbol of a different view of society together, able to concretely express their disagreement and to propose alternatives, knowing that the welfare of every single part of it is the premise for the collective welfare. The hope
concluding the assembly on Monday that the event was that of October 16 will mark the turning point for a better society. We hope everyone.
Davide Baresi