The Corporation (Italiano) - Storia, Luci ed Ombre delle Multinazionali
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cool Hair Ideas For Volleyball
"There are millions, millions were. They lived so and so live today not for the fate of nature, but a decision taken by those at the table know that soon. They had to suffer, have to suffer in their millions because they had to live in need, the lack institutionalized, had to work as slaves, poison consumed with envy and the life of the privileged. Then die. So they would
neutralized. Even for the few lives were mentioned above, the sponsors of such a crime, in reality extended to the whole Western world, should be tried in a new Nuremberg. But what they warp is even worse than what I have just mentioned. It 'surely the greatest crime since World War II to today in the West. Here it is. "
"There are millions, millions were. They lived so and so live today not for the fate of nature, but a decision taken by those at the table know that soon. They had to suffer, have to suffer in their millions because they had to live in need, the lack institutionalized, had to work as slaves, poison consumed with envy and the life of the privileged. Then die. So they would
neutralized. Even for the few lives were mentioned above, the sponsors of such a crime, in reality extended to the whole Western world, should be tried in a new Nuremberg. But what they warp is even worse than what I have just mentioned. It 'surely the greatest crime since World War II to today in the West. Here it is. "
Monday, November 22, 2010
Read Dragonball Af Chapter 10
"On one side is neoliberalism, with all its power and its repressive instruments of death, other human beings.
Some people suited to be a size larger in the giant bag of power with cynicism along the horizontal scale of the slave who is in turn master of other slaves. In exchange for a life of mortification and power gives them the crumbs that there are those who sells, fits, give up. In any part of the world there are slaves who say they are happy to be, anywhere in the world there are men and women who give up their humanity and should occupy a place in the gigantic market of dignity. But there are those who do not fit, those who choose to be uncomfortable, there are those who do not sell, there are those who do not surrender. There all over the world who does not bend to be annihilated by this war, there are those who decide to fight. "
"On one side is neoliberalism, with all its power and its repressive instruments of death, other human beings.
Some people suited to be a size larger in the giant bag of power with cynicism along the horizontal scale of the slave who is in turn master of other slaves. In exchange for a life of mortification and power gives them the crumbs that there are those who sells, fits, give up. In any part of the world there are slaves who say they are happy to be, anywhere in the world there are men and women who give up their humanity and should occupy a place in the gigantic market of dignity. But there are those who do not fit, those who choose to be uncomfortable, there are those who do not sell, there are those who do not surrender. There all over the world who does not bend to be annihilated by this war, there are those who decide to fight. "
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Free Russianbare Movies
Purcetta The Anarchist - The importance of analysis and tools.
Purcetta The anarchist - Trilussa, 1922 - Fables
A Purcetta anarchist was Entry
acquired influence of a castle ar clocks golden
What a great job! How many beautiful things!
And as do all 'ste Accessibility
Anna de so well between them? - The Rota
more Lograto j'arispose : We
Famo 'I'm only job
eg' does' beautiful balls that we
Gireno around, make a nun
their horn and
Cianna them brilliant, while we, who
faticamo, nun ciavemo noffink.
You who are 'na beast of courage, you who
ciavar er blood that the veins,
buttateve framezzo a gear,
levatece a moment' ste penis ...- The
Provided, partners feel is '' st 'eloggio,
said: - Okay! If my life
Pô change the annamento de l'orloggio,
dark bruised! Long live anarchy! - Dije
Ner 'ste words, with a tailor
looped between the wheels and there remained. It hurt very
: er next day because the ball
granne Annaviva ago quarter,
but the wheels giraveno the same.
Taking this tale I want to emphasize that the courage and good will, as far as moral may be, are not enough to change things. This end, in fact, requires a careful analysis of the status quo and tools needed to change it. Otherwise we are no longer useful to society than it was the purcetta gear wheels.
Purcetta The anarchist - Trilussa, 1922 - Fables
A Purcetta anarchist was Entry
acquired influence of a castle ar clocks golden
What a great job! How many beautiful things!
And as do all 'ste Accessibility
Anna de so well between them? - The Rota
more Lograto j'arispose : We
Famo 'I'm only job
eg' does' beautiful balls that we
Gireno around, make a nun
their horn and
Cianna them brilliant, while we, who
faticamo, nun ciavemo noffink.
You who are 'na beast of courage, you who
ciavar er blood that the veins,
buttateve framezzo a gear,
levatece a moment' ste penis ...- The
Provided, partners feel is '' st 'eloggio,
said: - Okay! If my life
Pô change the annamento de l'orloggio,
dark bruised! Long live anarchy! - Dije
Ner 'ste words, with a tailor
looped between the wheels and there remained. It hurt very
: er next day because the ball
granne Annaviva ago quarter,
but the wheels giraveno the same.
Taking this tale I want to emphasize that the courage and good will, as far as moral may be, are not enough to change things. This end, in fact, requires a careful analysis of the status quo and tools needed to change it. Otherwise we are no longer useful to society than it was the purcetta gear wheels.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pasta Express Machine X3000
Secondo un convegno sull’omeopatia tenutosi di recente all’Avana, Cuba, nel 2007 e nel 2008 i ricercatori medici cubani usando l’omeopatia hanno prevenuto con successo l’annuale epidemia di leptospirosi presso una popolazione di cinque milioni di abitanti in due regioni di Cuba (rapporto integrale presso
Impiegando l’omeoprofilassi, l’equivalente omeopatico di un vaccino, un nosodo di leptospirosi è stato preparato e somministrato assieme a due essenze di fiori di Bach, allo scopo di affrontare i tipici effetti mentali ed emotivi della malattia.
Per oltre un mese sono state somministrate due dosi a una popolazione di cinque milioni di individui, portando l’incidenza dell’infezione a poco meno di dieci soggetti, senza esiti mortali.
In precedenza il trattamento convenzionale della popolazione tramite vaccino determinava comunque migliaia di infezioni nonché alcune vittime, con un costo pari a 2 milioni di dollari. La soluzione omeopatica ammonta ad appena il 10 per cento della suddetta cifra, vale a dire 200.000 dollari.
(Fonte: )
Tratto dalla rivista "Nexus New Times"

Secondo un convegno sull’omeopatia tenutosi di recente all’Avana, Cuba, nel 2007 e nel 2008 i ricercatori medici cubani usando l’omeopatia hanno prevenuto con successo l’annuale epidemia di leptospirosi presso una popolazione di cinque milioni di abitanti in due regioni di Cuba (rapporto integrale presso
Impiegando l’omeoprofilassi, l’equivalente omeopatico di un vaccino, un nosodo di leptospirosi è stato preparato e somministrato assieme a due essenze di fiori di Bach, allo scopo di affrontare i tipici effetti mentali ed emotivi della malattia.
Per oltre un mese sono state somministrate due dosi a una popolazione di cinque milioni di individui, portando l’incidenza dell’infezione a poco meno di dieci soggetti, senza esiti mortali.
In precedenza il trattamento convenzionale della popolazione tramite vaccino determinava comunque migliaia di infezioni nonché alcune vittime, con un costo pari a 2 milioni di dollari. La soluzione omeopatica ammonta ad appena il 10 per cento della suddetta cifra, vale a dire 200.000 dollari.
(Fonte: )
Tratto dalla rivista "Nexus New Times"
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Command And Conquer Red Alert 2
rights, No to blackmail.
“Si ai diritti, no ai ricatti” è lo slogan della manifestazione nazionale indetta dalla FIOM che si terrà il 16 Ottobre a Roma e che vedrà la partecipazione non solo del mondo del work but also education. The goal is shared: to ask the Italian government a change of course in terms of rights, which in recent years have increasingly been sacrificed on the altar of profit.
"The rights, no to blackmail" is the slogan of the Assembly held in Milan, Monday, Oct. 11 at the Aula Magna of the University Bicocca, commissioned by the active delegates FIOM-CGIL Lombardia.
The assembly hall about a thousand seats fill up quickly as the big occasions, and soon the participants are forced to follow up the remaining spaces. Another time I happened to see that room so crowded: it was March 10, 2010 and the occasion was the debate on "secular epistemology: the truths of science" with the Nobel Prize Margherita Hack as the guest of honor. Then the subject was science and its history, in that room breathes a unique atmosphere while being evoked the struggles to assert his fundamental human freedoms, free from all types of conditions and constraints. How then
Monday also recalled an atmosphere of fierce fighting the past, even in this case for the assertion of individual freedom through the recognition of their rights.
creator of this event is not the academic world, but that of work, a union in particular: the FIOM - Employees Federation metalworkers.
Thanks to this union and the struggles that the protagonist - an example is that of Pomigliano - the role of the union as an instrument is recovering its dignity. In recent years, the role of trade unions has changed dramatically. Their work is no longer promoting their new rights or conservation, but a constant consultation on the rights acquired in the struggles of the past should be reduced.
Among the guests were Gert Bauer, general secretary of the IGM Reutilmgem - the German metalworkers' union, Massimo Roccella, professor of Labour Law at the University of Turin; Vauro Senesi, journalist and cartoonist of the Manifesto, best known for his cartoons in TV RAI 2 "Annozero" Maurizio Landini, Secretary General National FIOM-CGIL.
The final speech of Landini has touched key issues such as the recent economic crisis and excessive laissez faire States on the subject, with particular reference to the Italian condition. A speech worthy of note, especially when he remembers that the FIOM is not isolated, that the struggles of which is headed not only addressed to the workers but to all members of society, to ensure all rights of the individual and not just those of work.
E 'on this issue, the rights, which on Oct. 16 in Rome FIOM will not be alone: \u200b\u200bin the event, in fact, will attend the schools for the right to study and against cuts in public funds. On 16
in Rome are not only critical of the move but the alternatives will be proposed, which is often forgotten. Alternatives that see the human being at the center and its rights, and proposals calling for a greater presence of that state that in recent times has proved powerless spectator of the decadent spectacle generated by that abstract and undefined entity we call "market" .
The event will see students and workers pull together So - as it should be - in the struggle for individual rights, a claim the importance of the human being above all else, be it profit or the economy itself. Without this, significant as a symbol of a different view of society together, able to concretely express their disagreement and to propose alternatives, knowing that the welfare of every single part of it is the premise for the collective welfare. The hope
concluding the assembly on Monday that the event was that of October 16 will mark the turning point for a better society. We hope everyone.
Davide Baresi
“Si ai diritti, no ai ricatti” è lo slogan della manifestazione nazionale indetta dalla FIOM che si terrà il 16 Ottobre a Roma e che vedrà la partecipazione non solo del mondo del work but also education. The goal is shared: to ask the Italian government a change of course in terms of rights, which in recent years have increasingly been sacrificed on the altar of profit.
"The rights, no to blackmail" is the slogan of the Assembly held in Milan, Monday, Oct. 11 at the Aula Magna of the University Bicocca, commissioned by the active delegates FIOM-CGIL Lombardia.
The assembly hall about a thousand seats fill up quickly as the big occasions, and soon the participants are forced to follow up the remaining spaces. Another time I happened to see that room so crowded: it was March 10, 2010 and the occasion was the debate on "secular epistemology: the truths of science" with the Nobel Prize Margherita Hack as the guest of honor. Then the subject was science and its history, in that room breathes a unique atmosphere while being evoked the struggles to assert his fundamental human freedoms, free from all types of conditions and constraints. How then
Monday also recalled an atmosphere of fierce fighting the past, even in this case for the assertion of individual freedom through the recognition of their rights.
creator of this event is not the academic world, but that of work, a union in particular: the FIOM - Employees Federation metalworkers.
Thanks to this union and the struggles that the protagonist - an example is that of Pomigliano - the role of the union as an instrument is recovering its dignity. In recent years, the role of trade unions has changed dramatically. Their work is no longer promoting their new rights or conservation, but a constant consultation on the rights acquired in the struggles of the past should be reduced.
Among the guests were Gert Bauer, general secretary of the IGM Reutilmgem - the German metalworkers' union, Massimo Roccella, professor of Labour Law at the University of Turin; Vauro Senesi, journalist and cartoonist of the Manifesto, best known for his cartoons in TV RAI 2 "Annozero" Maurizio Landini, Secretary General National FIOM-CGIL.
The final speech of Landini has touched key issues such as the recent economic crisis and excessive laissez faire States on the subject, with particular reference to the Italian condition. A speech worthy of note, especially when he remembers that the FIOM is not isolated, that the struggles of which is headed not only addressed to the workers but to all members of society, to ensure all rights of the individual and not just those of work.
E 'on this issue, the rights, which on Oct. 16 in Rome FIOM will not be alone: \u200b\u200bin the event, in fact, will attend the schools for the right to study and against cuts in public funds. On 16
in Rome are not only critical of the move but the alternatives will be proposed, which is often forgotten. Alternatives that see the human being at the center and its rights, and proposals calling for a greater presence of that state that in recent times has proved powerless spectator of the decadent spectacle generated by that abstract and undefined entity we call "market" .
The event will see students and workers pull together So - as it should be - in the struggle for individual rights, a claim the importance of the human being above all else, be it profit or the economy itself. Without this, significant as a symbol of a different view of society together, able to concretely express their disagreement and to propose alternatives, knowing that the welfare of every single part of it is the premise for the collective welfare. The hope
concluding the assembly on Monday that the event was that of October 16 will mark the turning point for a better society. We hope everyone.
Davide Baresi
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Bill Of Sale Form Jetski
Photography, Flickr, and I bought the iPad iPad
summer than ever that the camera is about to end. I have tried to improve my technique and I put my hand to the album on Flickr , reorganizing the photos and putting them in groups. I live in symbiosis with the iPad: I just bought from 'Appstore Blogpress the application from which I'm posting. I want to see how it behaves with the inclusion of photos.
This has made my wife a few days ago.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
summer than ever that the camera is about to end. I have tried to improve my technique and I put my hand to the album on Flickr , reorganizing the photos and putting them in groups. I live in symbiosis with the iPad: I just bought from 'Appstore Blogpress the application from which I'm posting. I want to see how it behaves with the inclusion of photos.
This has made my wife a few days ago.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Confidential Fax Statement
Speech is very timely!
Speech is very timely!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Annealing Temperature Too High
AGAINST ADAM SMITH AND THE PRAISE OF COMPETITION: The 'Nash Equilibrium' EL '"Pareto optimality"
The prisoner's dilemma provides a good starting point to compare the two concepts of Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimal, and to understand l'applicazione in economia. Riprendendo quanto illustrato nella definizione matematica dell'equilibrio di Nash, vediamo la loro applicazione al caso del dilemma del prigioniero. Le possibili scelte per due prigionieri in celle diverse non comunicanti sono parlare (accusando l'altro) o non parlare.
* Se entrambi non parlano avranno una pena leggera;
* Se entrambi parlano, accusandosi a vicenda, avranno una pena un po' più pesante;
* Se faranno scelte diverse, quello che parla avrà la libertà e l'altro avrà una pena molto pesante.
Se entrambi conoscono queste regole e non prendono accordi, la scelta che corrisponde all'equilibrio di Nash è di parlare, per entrambi. Da questo esempio we see that the theory in real cases is not always the best solution (or sometimes not sufficiently realistic).
Both players have the same strategies (two) and the same pay-off (2x2) which is (for brevity denoted confesses confesses he's not there years in prison with the minus sign as they represent losses and gains so negative ): *
Strategies: Si = (c, n)
* Pay-off:
ui (c, c) = -6
ui (c, n) = 0
ui (n, c) = -7
ui (n, n) = -1
It follows immediately that, for both, the dominant strategy is confessing, in fact
ui (c, c)> ui (n,c)
ui (c,n) > ui (n,n)
quindi qualunque sia la scelta dell'avversario, scegliere confessa garantisce sempre un guadagno maggiore rispetto a scegliere non confessa. È immediato riconoscere come la combinazione di strategie dominanti confessa-confessa soddisfi la disuguaglianza che definisce l'equilibrio di Nash, infatti per entrambi i giocatori
ui (c,c) > ui (n,c)
(per il secondo giocatore la disuguaglianza è soddisfatta invertendo l'ordine delle strategie). In sostanza, posto che il secondo giocatore confessi, il primo deve scegliere anch'esso confessa, e non può aumentare il proprio guadagno cambiando solo la sua strategia: his pay-off if no-confessed confesses is less than that would balance the game. confesses confesses-is also the only equilibrium of the game, in fact any combination of strategies satisfies the inequality.
The solution of the game is therefore both confess, getting six years in prison each.
The most interesting aspect, however, the prisoner's dilemma is the following: all combinations of strategies, with the exception of Nash equilibrium, is Pareto optimal. In fact, taken any of these combinations, you can not find another that involves at least one player a year reduction in jail without any increase in those of the other. This concept is not applicable to the balance-confessed confesses: the combination does not confess, not confess leads to a reduction of years in prison for both players (one year each instead of 6) and since
ui (n, n) > ui (c, c)
for all i, (c, c) is not a Pareto-optimal solution.
The Pareto optimum is a very important concept in economics: the market objective is to always reach a Pareto optimal, ie to a situation in which, regardless of the actual allocation of resources, can not be found another allocation leading to an increase in wealth of some wealth without taking others. The reason for the importance of excellent Pareto is intuitive: if there is a solution that represents an increase in earnings of someone with no one suffers losses, it means that there are resources that have not been allocated, and therefore would be missing. In the case of the excellent walls, in fact, the further enrichment of one necessarily entails the depletion of another. The prisoner's dilemma highlights a key concept of economics: the rational Pareto optimal from the standpoint of collective, but it is not at all from the individual point of view, in essence, if the N agents in a game (and therefore, by extension, of a market) act in accordance with the individual rationality, ie, with the sole purpose of maximizing their personal gain, does not mean that they reach a Pareto optimal, in which case their actions result in a waste of resources.
The comparison between Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimum then denies the allegations made by Adam Smith, considered up to the first formulation of the equilibrium theory, the "father of modern economics." He maintained that if any member of the group pursues its own interest, can only increase the overall wealth of the group. But today we know that if each member does what is best for themselves, the result obtained is a Nash equilibrium but not necessarily for the better Pareto means you can (and has since proved to be very frequent) that if each agent is only his personal interest, you will come to an inefficient allocation of resources. In the case of prisoner's dilemma, this is obvious: the smallest possible value is 0 years' imprisonment for individuals and for group 2, but if both choose their dominant strategy, we get 6 (12 total for the group).

The prisoner's dilemma provides a good starting point to compare the two concepts of Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimal, and to understand l'applicazione in economia. Riprendendo quanto illustrato nella definizione matematica dell'equilibrio di Nash, vediamo la loro applicazione al caso del dilemma del prigioniero. Le possibili scelte per due prigionieri in celle diverse non comunicanti sono parlare (accusando l'altro) o non parlare.
* Se entrambi non parlano avranno una pena leggera;
* Se entrambi parlano, accusandosi a vicenda, avranno una pena un po' più pesante;
* Se faranno scelte diverse, quello che parla avrà la libertà e l'altro avrà una pena molto pesante.
Se entrambi conoscono queste regole e non prendono accordi, la scelta che corrisponde all'equilibrio di Nash è di parlare, per entrambi. Da questo esempio we see that the theory in real cases is not always the best solution (or sometimes not sufficiently realistic).
Both players have the same strategies (two) and the same pay-off (2x2) which is (for brevity denoted confesses confesses he's not there years in prison with the minus sign as they represent losses and gains so negative ): *
Strategies: Si = (c, n)
* Pay-off:
ui (c, c) = -6
ui (c, n) = 0
ui (n, c) = -7
ui (n, n) = -1
It follows immediately that, for both, the dominant strategy is confessing, in fact
ui (c, c)> ui (n,c)
ui (c,n) > ui (n,n)
quindi qualunque sia la scelta dell'avversario, scegliere confessa garantisce sempre un guadagno maggiore rispetto a scegliere non confessa. È immediato riconoscere come la combinazione di strategie dominanti confessa-confessa soddisfi la disuguaglianza che definisce l'equilibrio di Nash, infatti per entrambi i giocatori
ui (c,c) > ui (n,c)
(per il secondo giocatore la disuguaglianza è soddisfatta invertendo l'ordine delle strategie). In sostanza, posto che il secondo giocatore confessi, il primo deve scegliere anch'esso confessa, e non può aumentare il proprio guadagno cambiando solo la sua strategia: his pay-off if no-confessed confesses is less than that would balance the game. confesses confesses-is also the only equilibrium of the game, in fact any combination of strategies satisfies the inequality.
The solution of the game is therefore both confess, getting six years in prison each.
The most interesting aspect, however, the prisoner's dilemma is the following: all combinations of strategies, with the exception of Nash equilibrium, is Pareto optimal. In fact, taken any of these combinations, you can not find another that involves at least one player a year reduction in jail without any increase in those of the other. This concept is not applicable to the balance-confessed confesses: the combination does not confess, not confess leads to a reduction of years in prison for both players (one year each instead of 6) and since
ui (n, n) > ui (c, c)
for all i, (c, c) is not a Pareto-optimal solution.
The Pareto optimum is a very important concept in economics: the market objective is to always reach a Pareto optimal, ie to a situation in which, regardless of the actual allocation of resources, can not be found another allocation leading to an increase in wealth of some wealth without taking others. The reason for the importance of excellent Pareto is intuitive: if there is a solution that represents an increase in earnings of someone with no one suffers losses, it means that there are resources that have not been allocated, and therefore would be missing. In the case of the excellent walls, in fact, the further enrichment of one necessarily entails the depletion of another. The prisoner's dilemma highlights a key concept of economics: the rational Pareto optimal from the standpoint of collective, but it is not at all from the individual point of view, in essence, if the N agents in a game (and therefore, by extension, of a market) act in accordance with the individual rationality, ie, with the sole purpose of maximizing their personal gain, does not mean that they reach a Pareto optimal, in which case their actions result in a waste of resources.
The comparison between Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimum then denies the allegations made by Adam Smith, considered up to the first formulation of the equilibrium theory, the "father of modern economics." He maintained that if any member of the group pursues its own interest, can only increase the overall wealth of the group. But today we know that if each member does what is best for themselves, the result obtained is a Nash equilibrium but not necessarily for the better Pareto means you can (and has since proved to be very frequent) that if each agent is only his personal interest, you will come to an inefficient allocation of resources. In the case of prisoner's dilemma, this is obvious: the smallest possible value is 0 years' imprisonment for individuals and for group 2, but if both choose their dominant strategy, we get 6 (12 total for the group).
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
2007 Fleetwood Utah Tent Trailer Owners Manual
Documentary: The Hemp Revolution 1 of 8
What "strange" we do not know, or are otherwise not tell us.
What "strange" we do not know, or are otherwise not tell us.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
How Can Make A Dongle From Usb Flash
I could not resist tonight e'arrivato Ipad my 64g 3G. First impressions are phenomenal: very comfortable, ergonomic, stylish, multi-functional. The only problem 'that we are there fighting myself, my wife and my daughters.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Is Lorena Herrera A Guy?
Shooting "21/12/2012" finished! The Ice Church
In data 06/06/2010 sono terminate le riprese del primo cortometraggio di Marmolada Films intitolato "21/12/2012".
Su facebook cliccando qui potete vedere le foto di backstage!
A presto verrà pubblicato su Youtube il trailer del corto che uscirà quest'estate.
Ringrazio a tutti quelli che ci seguono!
In data 06/06/2010 sono terminate le riprese del primo cortometraggio di Marmolada Films intitolato "21/12/2012".
Su facebook cliccando qui potete vedere le foto di backstage!
A presto verrà pubblicato su Youtube il trailer del corto che uscirà quest'estate.
Ringrazio a tutti quelli che ci seguono!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Pros And Cons Of The Selling Of Organs
Football - Football in Rome
course, a shame, obscenity, and so on. But that's what happens when the balloon feelings are so strong and intense as it happens - I think - only to Rome. Or maybe in another way it happens in Siena, for Palio. Emozioni fortissime, rivalità inaudite, passioni irrazionali. E se vogliamo perfino il segno di uno agonismo sportivo vivo, sentito fino all’autolesionismo.
Alessandro Gilioli su Piovono Rane .
course, a shame, obscenity, and so on. But that's what happens when the balloon feelings are so strong and intense as it happens - I think - only to Rome. Or maybe in another way it happens in Siena, for Palio. Emozioni fortissime, rivalità inaudite, passioni irrazionali. E se vogliamo perfino il segno di uno agonismo sportivo vivo, sentito fino all’autolesionismo.
Alessandro Gilioli su Piovono Rane .
Monday, May 3, 2010
Burning Sensation On The Shoulder And Collarbone
Football - Siena B
Se anche quest'anno (Giampaolo) riuscirà a salvare il Siena non ci capisco niente di calcio.
Era la fine di agosto dell'anno scorso ed il Siena si apprestava a live sports one of the worst years of the last 15 years. The phrase I wrote it on the eve of one of the few wins, 3 to 1 in Cagliari that he did hope and, above all seemed to silence all those who said that the team was seriously weakened as a result of reckless handling of the summer market.
Well that 3 to 1 was a fluke and yesterday we officially abandoning the top flight after 7 wonderful years, full of great satisfaction and memorable matches.
Honour to Malesani who could not do more than that, although the management of crucial parts appeared questionable.
And now in the B, hoping to rise to the quickly.
Se anche quest'anno (Giampaolo) riuscirà a salvare il Siena non ci capisco niente di calcio.
Era la fine di agosto dell'anno scorso ed il Siena si apprestava a live sports one of the worst years of the last 15 years. The phrase I wrote it on the eve of one of the few wins, 3 to 1 in Cagliari that he did hope and, above all seemed to silence all those who said that the team was seriously weakened as a result of reckless handling of the summer market.
Well that 3 to 1 was a fluke and yesterday we officially abandoning the top flight after 7 wonderful years, full of great satisfaction and memorable matches.
Honour to Malesani who could not do more than that, although the management of crucial parts appeared questionable.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Gay Cruising Spots On Longisland
Books - Mazzantini Cibrario
small feast of Italian writers.
Rossovermiglio Benedetta Cibrario, Campiello Prize 2008, is the feature debut of writer Florence. The story unfolds in fits and starts of time, between past and present, between youth and old age with an ending a bit 'pulled away, where the truth is revealed in a very cold and formal correspondence. The atmosphere of the beautiful countryside of Siena in which the protagonist is living. Rated 6.5
Come to the world Margaret Mazzantini instead is a small masterpiece. There is everything in this book, love, history, the relationship with their children and their parents, and the war, the most cruel and bloody in the recent past. The story of the siege of Sarajevo is my favorite part, but every single page can be involved, you would never finish it. Unique stylistic note: the excessive use of metaphors Mazzantini. Rating 9
small feast of Italian writers.
Rossovermiglio Benedetta Cibrario, Campiello Prize 2008, is the feature debut of writer Florence. The story unfolds in fits and starts of time, between past and present, between youth and old age with an ending a bit 'pulled away, where the truth is revealed in a very cold and formal correspondence. The atmosphere of the beautiful countryside of Siena in which the protagonist is living. Rated 6.5
Come to the world Margaret Mazzantini instead is a small masterpiece. There is everything in this book, love, history, the relationship with their children and their parents, and the war, the most cruel and bloody in the recent past. The story of the siege of Sarajevo is my favorite part, but every single page can be involved, you would never finish it. Unique stylistic note: the excessive use of metaphors Mazzantini. Rating 9
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How To Unblock Runescape At Home
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Do I Need Insurance On My Jet Ski In Florida
Maurizio Mosca, my idol
He left the largest and will be missed very much.
Hello Maurizio.
He left the largest and will be missed very much.
Hello Maurizio.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Bump On The Side Of My Leg
Football - Biscuits (?)
than 10 days from the end of the season start draws suspicion in the Serie A. It looked like a custom set aside at least the past two years and instead a pair of beautiful cookies have already seen Sunday.
With the race for the salvation now restricted to Lazio, Siena, Atalanta and Livorno is a large platoon of teams will try to get to the bottom in small steps without getting hurt not giving up on each other to do some pleasure along the way.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Free Plans For Dune Buggie Suspension
Politics - many or few?
Photo Raining Frogs .
The website of The Journal is about a million people to the streets to Berlusconi.
clicking on the photos of the event speaks of 'at least 500 thousand people'.
If a guess is even talk of half of San Siro?
Photo Raining Frogs .
The website of The Journal is about a million people to the streets to Berlusconi.
clicking on the photos of the event speaks of 'at least 500 thousand people'.
If a guess is even talk of half of San Siro?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Infant Sinus Infection Antibiotic
Soccer - Juventus
Given the Juventus tonight against Fulham one wonders if the draw last Sunday of Siena was a missed opportunity to make the booty came against a team full badly and grew worse. Without listing the disasters of seasonal dry and C. I just concentrate on Zaccheroni tonight that does not have guessed:
- how do you leave out Del Piero's form in this period and especially in an international match?
- with what the team expects to take in 10 Trezeguet which is the negation of the counterattack?
- with 10 in the team you play with the 4-4-1 and the 3-4-1-1;
- Diego and Melo are no longer feasible.
Over here the page Tuttosport the final whistle.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
How Do You Reprogram A Clifford Remote
Soccer - Juventus - Siena 3-3
probably does not save us ... but today was a pleasure. If it were not released Maccarone we won:).
probably does not save us ... but today was a pleasure. If it were not released Maccarone we won:).
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